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Twitter Cont.

This is the graphic I like, the whale just looks so Happy!

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I don't really get it. I mean I do- but really? This is like the 21st century Version of IM. Been there- why would I want the whole world to know what I am doing at any hour of the day. Do I want everyone to know I am playing solitaire at work, or worse...

It is like an open forum IM post with the world. It's an insta-blog. An insta-blog with shitty servers that constantly crash. Granted I do like reading Rainn Wilson's posts- man that guy has nothing but time it seems to come up with hilarity. And Dr.tiki. If you don't know who either of those individuals are. Shame.... SHAME ON YOU.

This, however, has not stopped me from opening up an account, and one for the MuShoe- so the whole world can read our tweets about shoes.

Levar Burton is in on the action. AKA awesomeness. And I thought about following Brent Spiner's tweets- but after reading a few, I decided that is a mentality I don't want to contaminate my bright sunny days. I can't tell if he is joking. If you don't know who that is, don't bother, it'll just embarrass me.

Man I do love their graphics however- genius- my favorite of the server crap out ones is a bunch of blue birds helping a whale fly. too cute- I want a t-shirt of it.

This is what I got when I tried to Follow Jermain Clement of Flight of the Conchords. If you don't know there stuff- I highly suggest you youtube it. I'll post a few of my faves of theirs soon.

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For the Love of Dogs

Because I love doggies.....
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It's that time of the year again

And what time of the year is that?

The "almost" summertime which means Summer of Alana is about to begin again.

The time of the year that when I have down time and try to post here about the hilarity of things going on in my neck of the woods- wherever that may happen to be at the moment. I will actually make a goal of trying to post every day to keep all you actual working stiffs entertained.

So Welcome!

We'll see what gets my attention later to write about!

currently I am eating grapes that were much too close to the freezer part of the mini fridge in the back of the store, and wondering if it should be a "champagne friday"?
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