
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

Caucusing and Puppy Playing!

So much has gone on in the past few weeks. I have moved into a sexy new Pad on the eastside on the waterfront- looks really REALLY good- and with the new store opening- be sure to check out our blog once it is up and running.... where i will talk about all the cute things coming in to the store!!! and our website (insert Plug for store here......)

Anyway- I have been quite busy but I'll try to keep up- even if it is just something little and stupid so you all have something to look at when you are sitting at your boring desk jobs. I am going to start carrying my camera around with me- well it is with me now- but it is not charged.

I decided this for two reasons- First I was going to document my experience at the Caucus this last Saturday, and then put it up here to the blog- along with photos of me entering the caucus- caucusing, chatting with other caucusers, the counting of the caucus, me getting elected as a delegate for the caucus, you know caucusy things. (I just like the word Caucus ==) Maria Cantwell's Momma (That would be one of our senators for those of you out-o-staters) was in my Caucus group- she ran over from the hospital just to say she likes Hillary. Run over is an exaggerationg- she hobbled over. And here I was going to wish her well on her recovery until I heard that leak out of her mouth. Filthy.
-I'll make sure i do pictures for the next round when this ol'gal (that would be me) will represent the Obams for Edmonds 42nd, legislative 32nd. Janie Bunch (she an alt- she's gonna bump someone off so we can go a caucusing together-aka drunk chatting AT people).

The other reason was out at Marymoor Park with Duff the other day when we were caught in the most awesome and sensual of rainstorms. God Bless the Spring Rains- how I love them- even though it is February and still winter- bless you global warming. I think it is the, oh hell I don't know what river it is, but it is flooding- and it looks cool- all the shrubs and whatnot semi-underwater. Anyway it was around 5 pm- light was fading- dark by about 530/545- but it was one of those rare times when a storm is rolling in but it must be the sunlight reflecting off the clouds that causes this gorgeous but eerie pink-orange color. Salmon colored almost- Pacific salmon, not Atlantic- that shit is farm raised-color added and bad for wild populations. Don't eat it. i repeat DONT EAT ATLANTIC SALMON- unless it really is like scottish salmon in which case that is ok- because it is from scottish rivers- and who doesn't love all things scottish.

So I had just had a chat with Randy and his Belgian Tervuren Max (they are there pretty much every day) and was heading back to the river for a dip before we went home, when the sky simple opened its spout. Now one of my favorite, not one of- MY FAVORITE sound in the world is the sound of raindrops on water- it makes like a light pinging noise that i find eerily soothing. So after a few minutes- it wasn't too cold- it started to mix with a little bit of hail and it was just so awesome. The rain was so dense you couldn't see very far infront of you. This doesn't happen that often in Seattle- but man was it fun. I would have loved to have had my camera so i could get pictures of duff splashing around in it and the flooded river. I love stuff like that- Makes me really like living here. AND it wasn't ungodly cold, just semi-godly- like a deified Julius Caesar cold.
