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It's Green Outside

Actually, as long as it is not gray outside I am fantastically happy- yesterday was the epitome of misery- and for some reason I thought being outside and running with the pup was a good idea. One of the worst mistakes I have made in the past weeks- and let me tell you, there have been a lot of mistakes.


A couple of interesting points: If anyone didn't see the episode of 30 rock when NBC was doing its green week- you should youtube or download it- as it is worth seeing- pretty funny- and if you don't watch 30 rock, you are missing out on Alec Baldwin at his best.

Speaking of Baldwins (no relation)- the guy who plays Jayne on Firefly I saw in some mainstream show the other day, and that just gave me the giggles- glad he's got work- I like him.

My friend sent me this site- its pretty nifty (there is a word that hasn't been used in a decade). It is called Free Rice. Free Rice has two main goals: Provide English vocabulary to everyone for free and help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

The deal is that it lists a vocabulary word and you choose the correct answer for a list of four or five possible answers. For every correct answer, you donate (through the use of corporate sponsors and advertising) 10 grains of rice. Now that may not sound like very much- but play everyday for a few minutes- brush up your vocabulary- and help someone. Literally all it takes is the click of a button. THIS BUTTON.

ALSO I was told about a substance called paperstone which resembles soapstone (which is one of the softest stones) and is used in bathrooms and the like- similar to the uses for granite and marble (which is also semi-soft-aka easy to damage or cut with knives, etc). Paperstone is made of recycled and compressed paper- and acts much the same as other resin based home products used for tables and counter tops, etc. I just think it is awesome that this exists- and it comes in all kind of colors and whatnot. Some of these companies also specialize in bamboo composites called plyboo- and it looks pretty.. RAD... that's right, RAD. check it out.
