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What is it with...

What is it with Golden Retriever being named Bailey. I thought when we named out late pup Bailey we were being original- I mean afterall we were naming her after a liquor. But I looked on the Dailey Puppy today (after I had my fill of cute from cuteoverload) and there were two pups named Bailey- and both goldens.
Then I decided to google golden retrievers named bailey, and here are some of the lucky Bailey's of the world:

This pretty boy in Hawaii (oh how I envy him), and next to him is Cap'n Bailey at the helm

This little guy was stolen from someone's house in Brisbane Australia! How sad!

And this guy lives with a proffessor right here in Washington

This Guy is a champion Agility pup, now that he's all grown up!- But doesn't he look all cute all boxed up!

And this fat little man is just too cute:

So then I decided to google dogs named duff, and most of the results related to Hilary Duff, le sigh. But there was one interesting note referring to Santa's little Helper from the Simpsons being the mascot for Duff Beer under the name Suds McDuff.

The term duff- according to wikipedia- also is broken english slang for useless, which is prefect because that is what I always wanted to name a dog, based after the hunting dog in Monarch of the Glen (an awesome British/Scottish Tv Series).

Duff is also gaelic for dark, black being dubh- as in Dublin--which means black pool.

There was an Australian company who actually made a Duff Beer, but their were sued by Twentieth Century Fox and thus the cans had to be pulled of the shelves and destoryed, making them collectors items in the process.

DUFF also stands for Double-Ugly Flying Fucker, a nickname for the F-4 Phantom II fighter jet
