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A New List

So I was talking with Brendan last night and he and his co-workers are doing something I think is very intruiging. They are creating a cd/ playlist of all of their favorite songs of 'all time' as an insight into one anothers personalities. I can only imagine that my list will be embrassing, but nonetheless insightful, as I have the occasional lack of taste in music.

It is tough to pick favorites but here is what I purpose: I am going to continue adding/ or try to add a song every day or every couple of days to the list. These will be all-time favorites and just favorites of the moment- that I may detest later. I suggest you listen to them on itunes, download them illeagally, or bug me to send you them via email if you haven't heard of them, so you can laugh with me/ at me and the awesomeness that is my taste in music- and maybe realize just how cool I am, and you are not....

Be prepared because the range is from Hip hop to Willie Nelson, which happens to be the first two songs I have added to my list:

The inaugural songs are Willie Nelson's- Redheaded stranger- truely one of my favorites of all time, and Heiruspecs- Tiger Dancing- just plain good- Minneapolis is full of Talent appearntly.

This list is sure to be eclectic and cover a WIDE range of music- you have anything you think I might love- send it my way and we'll see if it makes the cut.
