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Let Duff Play

Sign this petition please.

I want a dog park for Duffy- as do these people, in kirkland. Please sign this so Duff can live more in kirkland and I can cuddle with him.... I miss my fluff nugget.

As a side note I bought him a very expensive (of course i didn't look until after I bought it) collar, that is very regal (it is exactly the one pictured here). Mom just bought him a bright green plastic one because his old one was gross because of his love of water and ponds- but this is a martingale really wide thick one so you can actually see it because he has so much hair.

Please sign it- pretend you live in kirkland, i really want an off leash park nearby- seeing as how it is probably illeagle when I play with him off leash at Juanita Beach park- even though no one is there- i don't want to be fined.

And when i was buying him collars yesterday I also found this cute little store in Kirkland, Barkz, that has breed specific play groups- so Duffy is entered in Newfie/border collie play group. And They have advanced tricks & sticks classes- which i think we will be attending, as well as some kind of agility group in the summer which we will enroll in. He is going to be a super Star!!!
Yay Jiggly Duff!
