
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

Cool Ranch

You know when you do something so often or so much you dream about it. Well I don't necessarily write for this blog daily, although I try to keep it frequent, but I do think about it regularly even if I don't put the time in to type out my thought processes. I dreamed about this blog last night- that I wrote several posts, therefore I didn't need to do one today. I was relieved. I have tons of topics to write on mind you, but ah the motivation to sit down and flush out that idea.

About what did Dream Alana dream about you wonder? Quintin Tarentino. Don't ask- I have no idea, nor do I remember the other one, but a good guess is on Dragons- because I was thinking about writing on that too. Instead of a Tarentino post which may be appropriate now that I have broached the subject, I am going to talk- or write at you as the case may be- about Doritos, and their awesome effects on the palate.

In high school the main portion of my diet was probably nacho cheese Doritos, and because I played a variety of sports (with varying degrees of success) that is the only reason I wasn't categorized as a sub-species of beluga whale-- the friendliest of whales!

Anyway, I still have cravings for the chippy goodness and crunch provided by that mega corporation Frit-o-lay. Often when recovering from weekend activities I find them at their most flavorful- be that due to my enhanced (or deteriorated) sense of taste, or their superiority in the chip world, I know not. What I do know is that my love of the crunchy goodness is one that seems to transgress or transfer over species boundaries. To the animal who finds all food (apart from ginger) delicious, how does one determine the ultimate foodstuff? Well I'd say leaving one's dinner in the bowl to come follow me around the kitchen while I eat Doritos a good sign. So Duff's favorite food is Cool Ranch Doritos. His eyes bulge out of his head and he will be real patient and do anything you want for a dorito. I bet he could solve complex physics equations or write a essay on String theory if I promised him his own bag of cool ranch. Never underestimate the motivational tool that is Doritos.

Why do they call it cool ranch anyways? It tastes nothing like ranch dressing.

ok more later I gotta run...
