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Blue Heron

For the past two days on my drive to work, right as I get above the marshes that are next to the UW on I-520 heading eastbound, a blue heron has flown over my car. I mean right over my car. My guess it is the same bird. I was thinking the other day as I went up and over and flat across the lake on the highway that if I was Hindu, and though it may be a spiritual evolutionary step backwards, I would like to be reincarnated as a blue heron.

All I would really need to worry about is food, moderate shelter (I assume feathers keep herons warm), and procreation--not a bad life. Little stress, and in suburban Seattle there aren't too many natural predators- random coyote, neighborhood dog, I'd be bigger than any cat I could imagine. Avoid fisherman, hang out in the marshes, Seattle has a pretty temperate climate.

I wouldn't have to deal with daily commutes, politics, taxes, health care and the like. Sounds kind of nice.

We used to see them when I was a kid at my parents house in Edmonds by the pond, but only on foggy mornings when an anabatic would blow inwards off the sea, and you could taste the salt in the air.

They are very graceful creatures, as I find most birds, but I like how big they appear- tall and sinuous, but they can't weigh more than 10lbs tops.

And on that note, here is a heron, because I like pictures- the one I was was quite a bit fatter- which makes me think he/she has the easy life here:
