
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

Hand Conditioning

I now have the strongest hands in the world... all the better to crush your trachea with.

I have been writing notes and studying numbers and charts for econ for about 6 hours straight now-- not to mention the 2 hours of class earlier and another of chatting with a prof. SO thus far, today... I have had ECON on the brain for 9 hours. That is more hours than I usually like to be awake, and I am not done yet.

I shall post something interesting when i get back from tests tomorrow- I have lots of material- just haven't had time really- between playing with and chasing dogs/ puppies and econ and my pseudo work schedule (more on The SHU later).

Oh sleep you tease me.
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Euro America

I am much to lazy to go into description right now heavily, but so you all at least have something to look at tomorrow morning new, I decided to post.

Euro-pop- trance-electronica is really under appreciated in this country, and I think I resent that. We have received many good things from the old world: monetary systems, swiss chocolate, Hungarian spas, Pasta (China counts), Whiskey, Irishmen-- yet we refuse to accept electronic music. Where do you think that awesome song Drago sta din Te came from: Romania. And who heard it months before you all did.... That would be me, and my favorite radio station ever (only exception is KGAY in SF which only broadcasts during the Gay Pride Parade) C 89.5 Worldwide.

Those of you in Seattle know this. This is the shiz-nit-- most of the time- as an overall station pretty awesome- and it is run by a high school- Nathan Hale. Anyway, C 89.5 plays stuff that is popular in Europe right now. Okay that's all i have time for right now. Check it out!

Speaking of China- I heard this amazing song on 107.7 the End the other day on the way to class- It is Chinese Euro-dance music- I'll see if I can't find out how to put it on here- and if I can even find it! You will adore it.
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Technorati loves me!

Technorati Profile

click on that little green button and see what it does up on the bar above! I don't know yet- maybe it'll make you awesome-- more likely it will make me awesome-- thanks to technorati. SO click it a lot! A LOT DAMNIT
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Star Wars and Harry Potter (Part 1)

Some quick notes- because I have to!

Perhaps the Best character ever, in film, poerty classical literature has got to be General Grevious. The prototype for Darth Vader, mostly metal, menacing looking- awesome with four arms and light sabers- his fight scene with Obiwan is the best scene ever- he's like a spider/ metal human, with a sick name. Here's the Yoube Clip .

The next note is on Harry Potter.

I think Harry is going to have to die- here is why. Voldemort has 7 horcruxes (fragments of his soul- so he can't die)- a couple of which have been destroyed. That prophecy Harry went to find in one of the books is a prophecy that goes something like, "One cannot live while the other survives". The horcruxes can only be created when Voldemort kills someone . I think Voldemort accidentally made a horcrux and that is Harry- and that is why harry didn't die when V-mort killed his mom. Harry himself is the 7th and last Horcrux. The only way for Voldemort to die completely is for Harry to die. One cannot live while the other survives.
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Weekend Update!

Ahhh the Weekend- what fun was had. First a couple of Updates

Brad's Blog has been added as a link to the bar above I suggest you check it out. Also Tiki Bar TV and CuteOverload were added-- if you don't know what they are... shame on you, shame!

And now... the weekend:

It commenced on Friday afternoon when Bren and Kyle came up to the E-town and we went to the Taki Tiki Bar-- new bar in Downtown Edmonds with sweet happy hour- but we missed it- but had some delicious Nachos with Kahula Pork on them and some baked potato boats with BACON!-- and we all know how I love BACON! Then back to the house where Ian was already drinking and well we proceeded to drink. We sat on the deck until the sun set at like 10:30 listening to some Budweiser 'real men of genius' and trying to play asshole but Kyle wouldn't get out of his damn chair when he was asshole to get us more wine! Also briefly looking at the M's game where they were loosing 16-0 in like the 3rd inning. At one point we tried to play this new Game I got, Carcassone-- which is awesome (the little ppl in it are called meeple- how cool is that!) but it ended up us chucking the little tiles used as the board at each other across the kitchen. Mental faculties couldn't handle the awesomeness. I am still finding pieces....

I can't say I remember much besides scotch tasting and devouring the left over salmon greedily but apparently I have pictures of Kyle decimating the Americone Dream and well, I kinda remember eating lots of strawberry gelato.

I have been sleeping on the floor- cause that's what I do when my back is bad, but it turns out Bren decided to sleep on the floor too, and then a chair (cause kyle was on the couch?)and then a couch. I was like we have like 6 beds, go to sleep ass, apparently he did eventually.

The next day I woke early- as Duffy had some puppy classes-- and found out I had a horrible illness: being hungover and my back hurting, again. After classes where I felt like death I came home- found some hair of the dog that bit me the night before (Some Redhook, Copper hook) got a straw and laid down on the floor and watched some tube- Starwars (IV) was on HBO. By the time I decided to get my next one about 1130 or so- I had nothing else to do on Saturday- and it wasn't nice enough to go boating, Bren heard me crack one open. "is that someone drinking????!!" Kyle had to jet off to his fancy job at the Radio Station, and Ian always passes out in his car. Needless to say Bren cracked open some of the Rainier left over- delicious stuff, and I cracked out the nice cheeses I bought the other day... beer and cheese a Delish combo: Cave aged Gruyeres and some Port Townsend soft cheese from the Cheesemonger (He deserves his own post).

We proceeded to watch not only Star Wars 4 but episodes two and three- in reverse order- as Bren hadn't seen them, I am a nerd, and everyone loves sweet battling with light sabers. The more I watch it the hotter Hayden Christensen becomes. So the day consisted of bren bringing me beers in my state on the floor, lots of starwars and a plate of delish cheeses, OH and some nacho doritos- who could forget those.

Also some sweet convos about opposable thumbs and humans being fleshy and that our intelligence (ability to manipulate tools-- which was because of our awesome thumbs being able to grab things) was the only thing that saved us from predators, because let's face it-- we aren't exactly armor plated. We were looking at Duffy and thinking how he could kick our asses if he wanted to, like even as a puppy he accidental touches me with his paws hard and I bleed...Humans are squishy beings. I remember one comment I used to make to Crowley repeatedly along the lines of "thank god we have not many natural predators because I would be dead so long ago"
  • And then we thought about what if we were armor plated- eventually using the Darwinian theory, we as armor plated humans would have to find other armor plated humans attractive as that would be the only way that characteristic would survive.
  • that gave rise to how we so utterly dominate the world in many aspects and how we have so influenced our world, many of the things that are alive now are because we have found them useful and so allowed them to survive. I suggest reading "Botany of Desire"- it gives an interesting insight into the human manipulation of some flora as an example.
This is the basic instinct of survival: to eliminate anything that is a threat to your survival. We have reached and surpassed the point in human evolution (in essence we are so technically superior- and this is not going into ethics here because, man, Dolphins live much more harmonized lives) that we no longer need to eliminate many things that were once our predators and now are at the point where we are trying to preserve the things that were once great threats to us (ie, tigers, bears etc), which is just an interesting philosophical point.

We did that until about 9:30 pm, when we decided we should shower so we could goto Eve's Ken Griffey Returns party, which we eventually made it to.

Ah that party- eve's place is really cute- in Wallingford area, and I remember taking a bet from Noah for an amazing $5 (I am poor- as I kept saying) to slap this guy's ass really hard. I did. And then I thought $5 was a lot for just one slap so I thought it was hilarious and proceeded to do it repeatedly throughout the night. We had no idea who this guy was. Also Noah tricked (aka asked) me to ball tap bren which I did- but i was intoxicated, so it was a little harder then i thought- that was bad news for bren- i felt real bad about it, still do-- ohwell-- it was funny....

Then JP gave us the ride of our life back to Noah's- Thanks be to JP for not hating us being annoying- all I remember is dancing like a fool in the backseat. It was awesome.

Hmm if i Remember more, I'll put it up- but it's been a few days- we'll see if I can think of any more later!

Right, then Last night I was cooking for dad, doing tricks with Duff when My back freaked out. I managed to crawl to my cell and ask dad to come home to help me move, but alas as well the tivo remote was right next to me so i watched some tv in pain waiting. Gotta have priorities you know.

Today I tried going to Econ classes but I was so drugged from the pain killers and anti-muscles spasm drugs I couldn't focus on the board so I had to leave and drive home- which was a bad idea, seeing as how paying attention and seeing were not going well. I finally made it home passed out on the floor and well now here I am. ok I need a break, I've been doing this for a while!
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My Broken Body

So I was planning on writing many a post today to catch up of all the sweet things that happened over the weekend: how opposable thumbs and trade economy have allowed humans to dominate their surroundings so completely- which was tied to the discussion about (had this one before) thank god we don't have many natural predators; Dragons and Dragon Riding; my drunken antics and pearls of wisdom; quantity of beer and nacho dopritos consumed, etc etc

Sad to say I have to put all of this off until I can actually sit down again. Currently I am 10 ft across the room from this beautiful 27" iMac, unable to really move. Quick overview: Busted my back really bad in December, hurt it again Memorial day weekend (I have slipped or herniated disc, and now not more than 3 hours ago F'ed it up real bad simply giving Duffy (For those of you who don't know- my adora-huggable part newfie puppy--- great pictures of him from this weekend) a piece of left over chili dinner i made praising him for rolling over and staying like that.

Needless to say I am in pain- hopped up on at least 3 different types of drugs and oh so looking forward to getting a sweet spinal injection later this week- That is gonna be fun- the needle is as long as a jetta, and probably hurts just about as much.

See that blue stuff spooging from my purple disk? it feels like rainbows and sunshine......
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Economics Lesson Part 2: the Grocery store

The Grocery Store:

So I went to the store to find some stuff for dinner for Dad and I- eventually settled on chili in bread bowls, but I did buy a lot of fruit man- maybe too much.

Anyway, I try to buy as much local produce as possible just because it is better for Washington-- if it isn't from Washington tho, then I really don't care unless it is like say coconuts from Mexico or something- that just doesn't sound right. I was in the apple section: galas, granny's, breaburns, pink ladies, Red Delicious (which are anything but delicious) and since, suprisingly didn't see any Washington types in the kinds I like, I went with the Fuji's from New Zealand. It must be New Zealand's time of year man-- they had apples galore as well as plums and all kinds of other stuff- like some Satsumas I bought also from the Kiwi nation.-- Go All Blacks.

Another intersting Fact about New Zealand you may or may not know is that they are known for their honey exports- the reason for this is the New Zealand bee-- which is a national treasure of sorts and they won't export for good reason-- These bees operate and collect at lower temperatures than Italian bees- which are the standard bees used in bee keeping. Evan raised bees- much to our neighbors chagrin when they swarmed- but that is a story for another time.
So the New Zealand bees if they were to get out would cause production to increase in other countries of the world and therefore wouldn't be as valuable to NZ.

This brings me to one of Washington's Best and Greatest export--- besides the fact that we are the nation's largest producer of apples (only second in the world to China), red raspberries, and cherries. The RAINER CHERRY is the best thing, perhaps in the world. You on the east coast may have seen them recently as shipping techniques have improved (I've seen them in Whole foods in Brookline) but they don't travel well- and because of this are expensive-- also because they are sooooo good.

Rainiers are considered the "cream of the crop", selling for $5 dollars a pound or more in the USA, and as much as a dollar a piece in Japan. Crazy japanese. If the temperature reaches 90, the cherry loses a day of life. If the wind blows too hard, the cherry bruises from rubbing against another cherry. If it rains more than a day, the cherry busts its skin. Not to mention a third of the crop goes to the birds. It is like playing Poker with God. Delicious poker.
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Economics Lesson Part 1

So I am taking Macro and Micro Econ this summer and this was just something interesting we discussed, nothing I haven't thought of before but thought I would make a post about it

Dressing in the Global Economy:

Take a minute and look at what you are wearing.

What are you wearing?

Where did it come from?

Okay now that you have those answers, here are mine:

I am wearing flip flops, tilt jeans, and my arsenal jersey.

So where were my flip flops made....

The rubber for the soles had to come from somewhere. So-- In order for me to be wearing these flip flops right now, some indigenous family of the Amazon had to guide some industrialist representative trough the jungle to his plantation of Rubber trees that take let's say 7 years to mature. Then in a factory in Guangzhou they were attached to the leather that came from a Bolivian Cow with silk thread shipped in today from Hubei Province-- and then were shipped to wherever the hell i bought them.

My Jersey is Cotton from Upper Egypt that was shipped to Cairo and then to Taiwan where it was manufactured combined with dyes from India and then shipped to Piccadilly Circle in England where my Mom flew to, bought it and brought it back to Seattle.

My Tilt jeans are made from cotton imported partly from Uzbekistan (the world's 5th largest producer of Cotton) and partly from cotton grown outside of Savannah. The buttons are made of copper that was mined in Peru's Ayacucho and then all shipped to some place like Gary, Indiana and then shipped out to Hawaii- which is where I actually bought this particular pair of jeans.

-Why do we call them pairs of jeans, pairs of pants--maybe it stems from when pant legs weren't attached? Doesn't that just make them ass-less chaps?

Anyway, just an interesting observation about global economy and nothing is ever as simple as it seems.
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Planet Unicron Heeeeyyyyy....

It is Pictures like this that make life worth living!

Found this gem ( Not the picture- the video) on one of my favorite sites: I check it daily. It is a YouTube clip, the 1st and 2nd episodes of Unicorn Planet- each is about 2 minutes long. It is pretty awesome and not highly offensive so it's work friendly- but you do need sound to get the full effect. So, bored at work? watch it, or at home later tonight when you are pre-gaming or already drunk and I am sure it will be THAT much better (That means you Will Van der Veen)--- Whoever the 'gay little boy' was who imagined them into existence-- I thank you.

And now some pictures of Unicorns and some useless but interesting facts:

  • The First traces of the legend of Unicorns come from as far back as Sumerian times in the Indus Valley- and the beast looks much like a bull in profile. The ancient Hebrews (you know them as Jews) and J.K. Rowling refer to them as Re'em-- supposedly Hermione could buy some Re'em blood on the black market and it would giver her super-strength.
  • Surprisingly there are no unicorns in Greek Mythology- they actually recored them in their natural histories- saying that they could be found in India, and were white and red with a bit of black.
  • Then there is the Chinese Qilin or Japanese Kirin (Yes, like the beer) with a voice of tinkling bells and lived a 1000 years.
  • It says in my coloring book (I am not joking- I color) that the Kirin is said to appear in conjunction with the arrival of a sage; it is a good omen, and looks something like this:
  • In Persia and Arabia, the unicorn was called Karkadann, a beast so ferocious it could attack and kill an elephant. It was a violent, warlike unicorn, born in blood and vehement in battle. It had the body of a rhino and a tail like a lion. Each leg had three hooves, one in front and two in back. The only person known to have tamed one was Alex the Great-- it was his horse- Bucephelus. (the name is Macedonian means Ox- head) The Death of Bucephelus in one of Alex's last battles was the portent of his changing luck.
  • India was saved from Ghenghis Khan's armies by the appearance of a Qilin as he waited on a hill preparing to attack and convinced him to turn back.
  • Medieval Unicorns were 'pure' beings and often were associated with the virgin Mary and as a symbol for incarnation. I recall in Mallory's Morte d'arthur that Unicorns (in England) were shiny and an ever changing shade of rainbow colors. They could only be captured or touched (and in some cases only seen- they were vary illusive) by virgin girls. Their horns were thought to neutralize poisons- and I am pretty sure Harry potter has a strand of unicorn hair in his wand.
  • Marco Polo described a rhino when he described a unicorn on his travels.
  • The Royal Throne of Denmark was made of Unicorn Horn
  • 'The Hunt of the Unicorn' is a famous series of tapestries depicting the capture of a Unicorn. Here the Hunters are attacking it. The Tapestries can be found in the MET.
  • One Suggestion is that the unicorn is based on an extinct animal sometimes called the 'Giant Unicorn' but known to scientists as Elasmotherium-- a huge Eurasian Rhino native to the Steppes, south of the range of the woolly rhino of the last ice age. It sees to have become extinct about the same time as the rest of megafauna of that era.
  • According to an Irish Drinking Ditty by the Rovers the Unicorns were silly beasts that were playing and forgot to get on Noah's boat. silly beasties.
  • the joke about Marketing execs is always that they are trying to sell you unicorn steaks. Bet they are delicious.
  • This is one of my favorite paintings 'Madonna and Unicorn' by Raphael
And here is one more fantasy Art- you know you love it:

Did you know that Unicorns Eat Babies?

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...The Future...

The Weekly List:
(this will mostly be updated after weekends as that is when the 'magic' happens)
Sig Hansen sightings by me: 0

Sig Sightings by others: 1--at QFC

Mike Rowe sightings: 0

Other Captains/Crew from Deadliest Catch : 0
Boats sighted: The Northwestern in Dry dock
Salmon Consumed this week: 2 Copper River

Fishing Trips: 0

Wakeboard Sessions: 0

Encounters with the Law: 0

(This list will continue to change and grow)

AS SOME OF YOU KNOW, I am in the process of Stalking the cast of Deadliest Catch at the bars in Ballard as that is their hangout during the summers. I will keep you Updated.



What's so great about Copper River Salmon? First and foremost it is not that farm raised pathetic fish you find in restaurants in the east. The fact that you can only get it for 3 to 4 weeks of the year, doesn't hurt in the supply/demand chain either- but aside from that, it is the TASTIEST of Salmon, which we all know is the Tastiest of fishies.

The King Copper River aka Chinook and the Sockeye are both included in the delicious collection of salmon from the Copper River. The Copper River in Alaska is the roughest, toughest, meanest salmon run in the world, only the strong and equally delicious survive.

-side note: Atlantic Salmon (farm raised- unless it is Scottish it is farm raised)are dyed pink. The Copper River boys are Bright red with deliciousness.

I am cooking some tonight for Pa and I- a recipe I received from my Bro Tim. Enjoy, I will!

-and no i don't know these people

1/2 cup unsalted cashews
1/2 cup Panko
Parsley (dried)
Mustard (powder)
Curry (powder)
3 tbs Honey
2 tbs Lime Avocado Oil (or olive oil of choice)
1 tbs Butter


Pull Salmon out of fridge (preferably 40min - 2 hours before cooking time), let sit.
Pre-Heat oven to 350. Put cashew's on cookie sheet, and toast for 7-8 min. Put cashews in mortar & pestle and grind to Panko size.
Combine toasted cashews with panko - set aside.

In small bowl combine Honey, Avocado Oil (Lime or add pinch of Lime), butter. Microwave for 30 seconds, and stir to combine.
Add pinch of mustard powder, pinch of curry powder - taste- decide what else to add or how much.
Add as much parsley as you want.

Increase Oven temp to 400
Cover all sides of salmon fillet with honey mixture, place fish skin side down on oiled (or silicone) cookie sheet, add cashew crumb-mix only the top.
Bake for about 10-20 min depending on size of fish.

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In Response to Brad and the Future

Brad, in his post today not only discussed food but touched the fact that those in Boston should be able to see the Space Shuttle Atlantis tonight around 9:20 or so before she lands tomorrow afternoon at Kennedy Space Center.

I have 2 Tangents/questions on this subject

1)Why are Ships always referred to in the female? The same applies to most countries:
"Rodina Mat' Zovyot!" translated as "In mother Russia shirt wears you!"

The exception to the rule is the 'ze Vaterland' and we all know not to mess with 'ze vaterland'

2) Perhaps the more interesting is a note on How AWESOME it is here in Seattle:

At 9:20 PST/12:20 EST While those in Boston can bask and tan from the light put off by the reflection from the Shuttle and Space station, We here in Seattle will not be able to. And this is not because of Cloud cover--there is none today-- It is because the Sun WONT HAVE SET YET.

One of the Coolest things EVAR is to sit outside at 8pm sipping a beverage of choice and getting a tan because it feels like three o'clock outside. I wore my sunglasses out to a bar last night where I met people at 9:30! It doesn't get Dark until at least 10:30 or 11. This, in of itself, makes Seattle superior to the Eastern half of the country. AND many of you have never been here- So I don't want to hear your complaining about this untruth. It is a very Truthy (Copy write Stephen Colbert Pending) statement. Suck it up and come experience the homeland of mega-monopoly corporations and discover for yourself what makes Seattle the most Literate City in the States . I put my money on the micro-brews.
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I Have Arrived

Get Ready People across the nation and the World. I am about to blow your mind. But not just yet.... I leave you in suspense with this:

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