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Weekend Update!

Ahhh the Weekend- what fun was had. First a couple of Updates

Brad's Blog has been added as a link to the bar above I suggest you check it out. Also Tiki Bar TV and CuteOverload were added-- if you don't know what they are... shame on you, shame!

And now... the weekend:

It commenced on Friday afternoon when Bren and Kyle came up to the E-town and we went to the Taki Tiki Bar-- new bar in Downtown Edmonds with sweet happy hour- but we missed it- but had some delicious Nachos with Kahula Pork on them and some baked potato boats with BACON!-- and we all know how I love BACON! Then back to the house where Ian was already drinking and well we proceeded to drink. We sat on the deck until the sun set at like 10:30 listening to some Budweiser 'real men of genius' and trying to play asshole but Kyle wouldn't get out of his damn chair when he was asshole to get us more wine! Also briefly looking at the M's game where they were loosing 16-0 in like the 3rd inning. At one point we tried to play this new Game I got, Carcassone-- which is awesome (the little ppl in it are called meeple- how cool is that!) but it ended up us chucking the little tiles used as the board at each other across the kitchen. Mental faculties couldn't handle the awesomeness. I am still finding pieces....

I can't say I remember much besides scotch tasting and devouring the left over salmon greedily but apparently I have pictures of Kyle decimating the Americone Dream and well, I kinda remember eating lots of strawberry gelato.

I have been sleeping on the floor- cause that's what I do when my back is bad, but it turns out Bren decided to sleep on the floor too, and then a chair (cause kyle was on the couch?)and then a couch. I was like we have like 6 beds, go to sleep ass, apparently he did eventually.

The next day I woke early- as Duffy had some puppy classes-- and found out I had a horrible illness: being hungover and my back hurting, again. After classes where I felt like death I came home- found some hair of the dog that bit me the night before (Some Redhook, Copper hook) got a straw and laid down on the floor and watched some tube- Starwars (IV) was on HBO. By the time I decided to get my next one about 1130 or so- I had nothing else to do on Saturday- and it wasn't nice enough to go boating, Bren heard me crack one open. "is that someone drinking????!!" Kyle had to jet off to his fancy job at the Radio Station, and Ian always passes out in his car. Needless to say Bren cracked open some of the Rainier left over- delicious stuff, and I cracked out the nice cheeses I bought the other day... beer and cheese a Delish combo: Cave aged Gruyeres and some Port Townsend soft cheese from the Cheesemonger (He deserves his own post).

We proceeded to watch not only Star Wars 4 but episodes two and three- in reverse order- as Bren hadn't seen them, I am a nerd, and everyone loves sweet battling with light sabers. The more I watch it the hotter Hayden Christensen becomes. So the day consisted of bren bringing me beers in my state on the floor, lots of starwars and a plate of delish cheeses, OH and some nacho doritos- who could forget those.

Also some sweet convos about opposable thumbs and humans being fleshy and that our intelligence (ability to manipulate tools-- which was because of our awesome thumbs being able to grab things) was the only thing that saved us from predators, because let's face it-- we aren't exactly armor plated. We were looking at Duffy and thinking how he could kick our asses if he wanted to, like even as a puppy he accidental touches me with his paws hard and I bleed...Humans are squishy beings. I remember one comment I used to make to Crowley repeatedly along the lines of "thank god we have not many natural predators because I would be dead so long ago"
  • And then we thought about what if we were armor plated- eventually using the Darwinian theory, we as armor plated humans would have to find other armor plated humans attractive as that would be the only way that characteristic would survive.
  • that gave rise to how we so utterly dominate the world in many aspects and how we have so influenced our world, many of the things that are alive now are because we have found them useful and so allowed them to survive. I suggest reading "Botany of Desire"- it gives an interesting insight into the human manipulation of some flora as an example.
This is the basic instinct of survival: to eliminate anything that is a threat to your survival. We have reached and surpassed the point in human evolution (in essence we are so technically superior- and this is not going into ethics here because, man, Dolphins live much more harmonized lives) that we no longer need to eliminate many things that were once our predators and now are at the point where we are trying to preserve the things that were once great threats to us (ie, tigers, bears etc), which is just an interesting philosophical point.

We did that until about 9:30 pm, when we decided we should shower so we could goto Eve's Ken Griffey Returns party, which we eventually made it to.

Ah that party- eve's place is really cute- in Wallingford area, and I remember taking a bet from Noah for an amazing $5 (I am poor- as I kept saying) to slap this guy's ass really hard. I did. And then I thought $5 was a lot for just one slap so I thought it was hilarious and proceeded to do it repeatedly throughout the night. We had no idea who this guy was. Also Noah tricked (aka asked) me to ball tap bren which I did- but i was intoxicated, so it was a little harder then i thought- that was bad news for bren- i felt real bad about it, still do-- ohwell-- it was funny....

Then JP gave us the ride of our life back to Noah's- Thanks be to JP for not hating us being annoying- all I remember is dancing like a fool in the backseat. It was awesome.

Hmm if i Remember more, I'll put it up- but it's been a few days- we'll see if I can think of any more later!

Right, then Last night I was cooking for dad, doing tricks with Duff when My back freaked out. I managed to crawl to my cell and ask dad to come home to help me move, but alas as well the tivo remote was right next to me so i watched some tv in pain waiting. Gotta have priorities you know.

Today I tried going to Econ classes but I was so drugged from the pain killers and anti-muscles spasm drugs I couldn't focus on the board so I had to leave and drive home- which was a bad idea, seeing as how paying attention and seeing were not going well. I finally made it home passed out on the floor and well now here I am. ok I need a break, I've been doing this for a while!
