
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

In Response to Brad and the Future

Brad, in his post today not only discussed food but touched the fact that those in Boston should be able to see the Space Shuttle Atlantis tonight around 9:20 or so before she lands tomorrow afternoon at Kennedy Space Center.

I have 2 Tangents/questions on this subject

1)Why are Ships always referred to in the female? The same applies to most countries:
"Rodina Mat' Zovyot!" translated as "In mother Russia shirt wears you!"

The exception to the rule is the 'ze Vaterland' and we all know not to mess with 'ze vaterland'

2) Perhaps the more interesting is a note on How AWESOME it is here in Seattle:

At 9:20 PST/12:20 EST While those in Boston can bask and tan from the light put off by the reflection from the Shuttle and Space station, We here in Seattle will not be able to. And this is not because of Cloud cover--there is none today-- It is because the Sun WONT HAVE SET YET.

One of the Coolest things EVAR is to sit outside at 8pm sipping a beverage of choice and getting a tan because it feels like three o'clock outside. I wore my sunglasses out to a bar last night where I met people at 9:30! It doesn't get Dark until at least 10:30 or 11. This, in of itself, makes Seattle superior to the Eastern half of the country. AND many of you have never been here- So I don't want to hear your complaining about this untruth. It is a very Truthy (Copy write Stephen Colbert Pending) statement. Suck it up and come experience the homeland of mega-monopoly corporations and discover for yourself what makes Seattle the most Literate City in the States . I put my money on the micro-brews.
