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Is Your Nalgene Dangerous?

My sister found this article in the Seattle Post-Intellegencer this afternoon- I find it my sad duty to report it to all of you.

My nalgene, that I so love, with its beat-up neon green tint and Got Moab? Sticker and Sharka surf co. sticker is indeed a recycle number 7, as probably is yours.

Here's to all the college kids who use these constantly. I wonder if when I filled it with beer at many a Dog head, or that gross Vodka concoction Cheka put in it at Preakness, got rid of the badness?

And people used to make fun of me for my giant OPB growler full of water- turns out that was probably a better idea. If only I hadn't left it under a bench while waiting in Hyannisport for the boat to Martha's Vineyard, I'd be free of whatever neuro-toxin is currently plaguing my body...

Oh how I miss OPB (Old Pond Brewery- for those of you who don't know)! I remember when it was up for sale and rich and I were like, sweet let's own a brewery in Maine, where it is snow covered 9 mo. out of the year. Beautiful, beautiful Skowhegen.

Sigh, should I give it up? Well I am at least going to stick it in the dishwasher.
