
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

Me so sorry

This seems to be a habit- but as I have finals this week for Macro and Micro Econ I don't really feel that bad, and frankly I don't care that you are pining away at your desk for my many erstwhile adventures- of which there many. I even took photos of my food several days in a row so I can really be like brad. The food was from Tubs. for those of you who know what that is, be jealous, for those of you who don't you will soon see a post up on this site about it- but preferably I would like to write it when I am procrastinating, not freaking out because I haven't studied enough and I'm not going to have that much time tomorrow because of my damn Gmat class, and I JUST learned that one of the finals starts on Thursday, ouch-ness!

So woefully unprepared. GAH.

So get excited about Tubs, and dick's (the restaurant) and adventures at everyone's local favorite dingy Edmonds nightlife hot spot- Rory's- (shudder*), and magical adventures through Mongolia and lake Baikal and fish that eat large rodents in Russia- because everything is bigger in Russia; and how i love doritos and their many uses, and how the mariner's are awesome, and how meerkats are glorified prairie dogs (but I don't think that point was ever in contention), and Hayden Christensen and how I always love the bad guys, my #1 not so secret rule of making movies; How I plan to learn Japanese martial arts, how I heart horsies, and I don't think I even talked about Seafair at all! Glorified red neck awesomeness that it is .

See I have tons of posting topics, I just can't focus enough right now to put one fully fleshed out into its proper viewing form- and when I don't have the time and the energy they really suck- you can tell which ones those are- the ones recently... So bear with me oh loveable peons of the internet, joy shall be with you soon.

And until then I suggest you check out Cuteoverload, because everyone can always use a daily dose of cute. It will make you a better person, I swear. Also the is always good.

And remember the wise words of my hero a one, Mr. Stephen Colbert:

"Bears are godless killing machines."- Colbert
"Bears are not killing machines..."- alleged expert on wildlife
"SO then you are not denying that they are godless...."- colbert

Also as my leisure time will be increasing dramatically soon- I would like decent book recommendations- something that is easy to get into and stay into because I am notorious for getting bored with books and leaving them half-read. I have just finished harry potter 7 for the third time- just because, I like it- so please people, help me out.
