
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

You Win Some You Lose Some

Apparently Brad found a job?!!!??? I haven't read his blog the past week because I have been unusually busy, but that all ends as of 1 pm tomorrow-- well more like 5 since I am working at the 'Shu. well more like 6 or 7 as I need to take Duff and myself for a run provided it isn't raining-- That SeaFair booze just won't go away! I need to get some new pics of him too-- cute a little well behaved monster that pup. We learned how to speak (kind of) and Bow (baby steps) today. I have trained him so i can point at dogs for him to chase at the beach though-- I was proud of myself about that- I swear he's part border collie or something herding, aside from Newf and Golden.

So the title of this post is not only in reference to my beloved Mariners-- Watashi-wa Kenji Johjima ski desku (I really Love Johjima *Peace-sign*!) in his native tongue (Phonetic spelling sorry, my computer doesn't have kanji), who seem to have lost the other day and I think are still behind those damn Angels, but more in reference to Brad's disappearing- AND the new appearance of Roast Patoni!. I shamelessly plug anything if it involves nepotism. All McGee's are funny- believe it, and love it.

So those of you at work, this means you Emily and maybe Crotty- for sure the only two people I know read this occasionally, you can see the often hilarious insights of my sister and my crazy niece, complete with freak outs, flip outs, tantrums, hugs, and utter destruction. Oh the joy of children? yes, the question mark is on purpose.

I leave you with some dear thoughts of our beloved Jack Handy:

What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy river to save a solid gold baby? Maybe we'll never know.

"Somebody told me how frightening it was how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared."
