
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

The StarWars you didn't know existed

So I owe, and have tons of material for more posts, and I'll get to some of those today hopefully, but anyone ever wonder about Yoda? So, over the last few days HBO or some movie channel has been playing the series, and I have been lucky enough to once again view lots of battle scenes- i really never get tired of them.

George Lucas, and those he gave approval to write all those books about the realm of Star Wars, really did create a fully functioning Universe- one only known to nerds around the world and the McGee Family. Some of those nerds have been kind enough to post about this world on Wikipedia. I find this hilarious. I am going to enlighten you on a few interesting tidbits:

Yoda: Besides the fact that he speaks in a grammatical syntax equivalent to German, Lucas purposely does not mention what race he is. He was also voiced by John Lithgow in some radio version. He is the Jedi Grand Master, Chief General, and trains all the younglings. His name is probably derived from the Sanskrit word for warrior (yoddha) or Hebrew for knows (yodea).

There is also a Female equivalent of Yoda, called Yaddle- They have a whole history for her on wikipedia- my goodness! She is one ugly being- but she does have an orange lightsaber. Yaddle, who was 484 at the time of her death, died when she used the Force to absorb a deadly chemical weapon, in the process saving the city of Naatan (in which Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker were staying), but also dying instantly.

Anakin Skywalker: (the later Darth) saves a bunch of people on a certain planet from the, get this: the Techno Union. I don't know- sounds pretty sweet, I'd like to be part of the Techno union.

There is an animal called a Nerf. kinda looks like a Yak. When Leia insults Han with, you scruffy looking Nerf Herder, he'd be herding distempered Yaks. Speaking of Nerf, who doesn't remember those awesome toys. My favorite were the bow and arrow ones and the swords that Evan and I used to fence each other with. (Post on them coming up)

There is a whole Glossary of animals of the StarWars worlds. This is a Nuna from Naboo. Looks like a fat scaly chicken-- delicious.

Shake from Aquateen Hunger Force claims to be from the Dagobah system. (that's Yoda's planet refuge)

There are 7 different forms of light saber combat: Shii-cho, Makashi (noted for its elegance and used by Count Dooku), Soresu (Defensive), Ataru (Used by Yoda because he's short), Shien/Djem So, Niman, and Vaapad (used by good 'ole Sammy L.)

I have always wondered how if the Light saber is energy how does it stop and form a blade. Apparently a light saber, the blade part is formed by a tight loop of extremely high powered energy; and Samuel L. asked for his to be purple so you could see him better during the group dueling scenes.

Weird Al- He loves Yoda. His song to 'Lola' music, here is my favorite lyric:
"I know Darth Vader's really got you annoyed
But remember, if you kill him, then you'll be unemployed"

k that's it for now- I'm bored.
