
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

Ze French say Le Tired

So it is only Wed. and I am le tired; exhausted even. I was brain dead yesterday at MuShoe, when there was a fiasco because the computer died. Now I have just come to the understanding that someone, let's name her 'Faula', bought a brand new computer for the store without asking Big Suz. Excuse me? are you stupid? ASK FIRST. I bet 'Faula' just cost BS like $1k. Who does that?- the old one just needed to be tweeked a little bit, in fact I am using the old one right now. We had to switch back to the computer that gave us the Blue screen of death because the new one couldn't handle the printers in conjunction with Vista.

This is partly why I haven't posted the last few days. Very sorry readers, I was tired. GMAT class kills brain cells. I have absolutely no desire to go tonight. Good news is over the weekend when hanging out with Emily and Joanna- we made some delish sandies (not pecan sandies), the kind with meat and bread. AND I took pictures like brad.

Brad should also know that all my friends now read his blog, including my sister- as it appears more people are bored at work than one would think.

So Alex Ridder and Whitney are here visiting on their way to Canada. I just forgot what I was typing. We are going out tonight in belltown- I'll take pics. Maybe tomorrow I will have more stories and energy but right now, sorry readers creativity is at an all time low. I just want to sleep and drink water. it is hot.

later gator.

or as in the movie I watched this weekend "Factory Girl" (about Andy Warhol's muse) - in which Hayden Christensen (I HEART HIM) played Bob Dylan, "you're the boss Applesauce".
