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A Tribute to Brad

This Post is a tribute to Brad, and the progression of the day works perfectly in his format, so here you go, enjoy (and a side thanks to Ms. Emily Long for suggesting it):

Today started out like many another day--Woke up, didn't want to go class, did some econ reading, watched some TiVo. Dog Whisperer to be exact. It had a Newfie on it who wouldn't eat anything, because of Duff, how could I resist. Reminded me of our other dog Bailey though, who was a golden, who was famous for eating bagels and only bagels. She turned her nose up at kibble. If we weren't eating it, she didn't want it. Dad used to cook her steaks. My rule was she was never allowed to eat more for dinner than I did- although that didn't seem to happen. And God forbid she touch any food that has touched the floor. She was fat- but aren't all Goldens? She used to sit by the damn bread drawer and demand bagels as often as we would give them to her. I KNOW this was an awful habit- but you gotta see it to believe it, the pictures are hilarious-- quite a character that one- with a bark that would make you def in about 2 minutes. At the Lakeside middle school soccer games she used to kinda be like our mascot- I forget if we dressed her up as a lion once or not--but man did she go CRAZY for soccer balls. nothing else, just Soccer balls and bagels.

Back to the day: After Cesar Milan and maybe some Colbert, I did some more Econ reading until it was time to go to work at 'the Shu'. (I'll post about it next week) Emily is in town visiting from NYC and she wanted to give a big old Hi to BS- that's short for Big Sus (Samantha's mom) who owns the Shu. So I met her down there- we commented on how good we all looked; joked about locking the door and popping open the champagne in the back (Susan has like a fully stock bar in the back--if all you drink is white wine), and then wished the BS well on her daily journey. That was at about 1:30 or so. Some people came in, looked at some stuff, didn't buy anything (*cough* communists), Emily played on facebook while I watched and she then had a craving for some Baskin and Robbins. Mom stopped by and chatted, picked up her purse and shoes that I'd buy for her later, and then was off to do some other errands. Emily left for a few to go say hi to someone else who owns another store in Edmonds, Terry's Toy Box (she wasn't around) came back and we commenced our plan: Ice Cream run. Locked the door for like 5 minutes, put a 'Be right Back' sticky on top of Susan's 5 other old 'be right back' stickies, drove the 3 blocks to BR were Emily, being the devil she is, easily convinced me to get a sundae- duh- and we almost bought a cake for later- I mean who doesn't love My Little Pony Ice cream cakes- I sure as hell do.

They weren't huge which is awesome, I was kinda fearful. She had the coco nutty and Reeses peanut butter cup (a good choice), and I had the coco nutty and cookies and cream- I was jonesing for some oreos. We both skipped the whipped cream. I'm just not really a fan of it.... on food.... (the real English whipped stuff is okay on scones), and then drove back to the store while Ems was telling me hilarious adventures from NYC and I regaled her with my weekend in Wisconsin. This was now about 3:00 or so, a couple of Hours left to kill, and no one seemed to want some shoes we debated what to do about dinner. We were so lazy as to type in Dinner, Edmonds, Wa into google. I suggested that yummy thai place down by the water- but Ems just had thaithai so we settled on some cheese munching and crackers--which was a better call anyways.

We still had some time to kill, and I was impressed Emily was just hanging out at the store with me, it's not like there really was anyone coming in or out of the store except that one crazy lady who made me look up directions to some other store (ho) and that one woman trying to find jewelery that wanted the necklace I was wearing, being like "Oh that one I just saw in here last week, oh it would have been perfect for this weeding I'm going to tomorrow"-- Well TOO BAD LADY, I bought it last week, and almost lost it this weekend in a drunken blur.
-Here goes out a big shout out to Crotty or Mylrea or Ridder- but I think it was crotch, who brought that bad boy home for me. It was an expensive piece of equipment, REALLY expensive and it kept falling off. It would have sucked if I had lost it. I always loose my nice jewelry, the stuff i really like, the expensive stuff-- I should know better than to wear it out when I go drinking, but hey- if it looks good, it looks good. Same thing almost happened on the Colorado trip with Ridder and Mylrea in March. That and I am just prone to loosing things.

SO that woman kept coming in and out- and I tried my damnedest to sell her something, but no bites. Anyway! While we were sitting there, screwing around on Facebook- Emily informed me she is a fan of Brad's blog, ever since she clicked on it that one time and requested a public reading- as we had nothing else to do at the moment, I obliged. Nice to feel loved Brad huh? I am glad we are providing a Public service to those of you with jobs. And Ridder- She claimed you haven't updated yours at all, so how is she supposed to stay entertained at work???

I love how Brad takes pictures of what he eats everyday. It totally gets me. The one time I did that i never posted them, but tonight you get to see the feast that was "Christmas in July"- so inspired by the bag of Christmas M&M's she found in my pantry. We have all kinds of things in there, it's hilarious to go check it out. Whenever Emily and Sam come over they always find the weirdest things to eat in there- and this is even after we most recently re did it. Before, oh GOD stuff from the 70's still lurked- maybe a few items still do.

This time was no exception. She pulled out some odd cookie/cracker that just looked stale.

After we were done at the store we stopped at our local neighborhood family grocer (that's what they call themselves) Petosa's to pick up some cheese. Emily eyed the premade pasta salads but was nonplussed by the results once she tasted them. We picked out some Gouda (which turned out to suck and taste like feet), some spreadable deliciousness, and some bread to accompany the awesome cheese I had bought from Strom, the Cheesemonger downtown. I picked up some veggies too, but when we got home and I opened the carrots there was like this gross liquid coating them. It was gross- so Off they went into the trash.

We settled down for some snacking cheese din with hummus and bread and olive oils and broccoli and turned on the TiVo. Emily wanted some Gilmore girls action, which I veto-ed, where upon she claimed my dad, and I quote "is one of the smartest men I know and he likes Gilmore girls..." like that would persuade me. She then tried to get me to watch that new flavor of love show with the ugly rocker, brett michaels or something--My conclusion was it was a bunch of busty pretty-looking dumbasses rolling around in the mud. The ultimate low in any kind of television- even if you are a guy, come on, at some point how stupid and annoy these chicks are has to matter. That was so bad, I gave in to the Gilmore's as long as she went downstairs to find the Dvds. Watched a couple of those- threw some wheat thins to the Duff, then I had to send her home so I could get some work done and go to GMAT Class. (That's some Gilmore action on the TV in the back)

Didn't really get done what I needed to, do I ever? I am really behind in my GMAT stuff, especially the math part. Oh well, this weekend I guess? and I just spent the last hour dicking around on the computer, buying and downloading some Old Crow Medicine Show and some Yonder Mountain String Band, and checking out which I haven't done in a while. Chicks often look at these pretty celebrities are get depressed. DUDE, I am the other way, looking at these celebrities makes me feel better about myself. Not only are they messed up, but they really aren't that hot-- (aside from those coke induced Cheek bones that ever girl dreams of, okay Lindsay still kinda is), but those peeps deserve their own post as well. Crazy Hos:

That's Lindsay scratching her crack, and her fairly decent mugshot for her brand new DUI/ Coke possession charge. "Hey Jimmy, I've got a great idea. I'm a millionaire. I'm going to get wasted out of my gourde in W. Hollywood, hop in my car, snort some lines off my steering wheel while I'm doing 70 on the 110 to Santa Monica, Wanna come?"

Those are some amazing cheekbones tho. wowza!
