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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

And when dogs dream- do they dream of herding said sheep? Your call is as good as mine.

I asked my dad (the ultimate source on all things medical- and most things worldly) the other day about whether or not dogs could differentiate their dreams from reality. This was prompted by Duffy yipping his face off in his sleep and his wittle feeties twitching like he was chasing tennis balls or ducks. He claimed that their sleep cycles are much like ours, which makes sense, and they get that same groggy 'why am I awake' feeling when they wake up and realize it wasn't real. But sometimes man, I wake up and I can't tell if it was a dream or not later in the day. Like I will have dreamed (dreamt is not a word surprisingly) that I had argued with someone and then still bear the resentment later in the day.

Get Fuzzy by the way is an awesome Comic. Check it out.

I talk of sleep for many reasons, now that I think about it. First off, I like it. One of my favorite past-times if it didn't consume so many hours in the day. Also I once took a Enneagram test awhile ago to try and figure out what kind of personality I had so I could determine possible future occupations. What Color is Your Parachute suggested I do this, since I have many and varied interests- The results I find are pretty darn accurate in correspondence with my personality- but what's funny is the the kicker-- the very last thing it says:

Enneagram Test Results (with my comments)

Enneagram Type: 9w8

Combining an easy going nature with a steady strength 9w8s can be highly productive if they stay focused. (The key is IF) Lust and comfort can lead them offtrack into aimlessness (welcome to my life). Bad temper and stubbornness are issues. (Once again- nailed it)

Mean Type: 8w9 (people don't usually have them so close together I think)

You are very calm and value relationships over career ambitions. When you have strong feelings for someone you show them. You prefer to blend into most environments. You are an extrovert and a non-conformist (agreed)....(and here is the kicker). YOU LIKE TO SLEEP. (in bold letters mind you)

I just thought it was hilarious that this test would pick up on that notion.

Back to electric sheep

The past week or so I haven't been able to sleep very well at night- though afternoons are no prob whatsoever. Last night again I was awake until 4 am- not by choice, and Thursday of last week I didn't really sleep at all. Maybe it is stress from all these Economics tests I have been having , or excitement- but who gets excited about tests. I am sure the Red Bulls and coffee don't add to it, no.

I try to read boring books (my econ books) and last night I re re-read most of the 'half blood prince' again (I reread it in april) because the new one is coming out this weekend. eventually I gave up and tried this little trick I invented.

It was developed around Dec/Jan 07 when I was staying with Emily in New York looking for a job. Emily had to go to bed early so she could function, in the morning and i was often awake, so I tried to think of ways to put myself to sleep. I had never counted sheep before, but I started.

I don't just count them though. I create a little cartoon in my head similar to the Pixar shorts, where the sheepies look like those sheep from those Serta commercials, only cartoon-ified. Each one has a number on its side and I give them personalities. The goal is that all the sheep must get from one side of the white picket fence to the other. There is a large mud puddle on the other side. Usually Sheep #1 is a wuss and won't go first so #3 timidly approaches while 2 goes and launches himself over the fence splashing in the mud puddle and getting mud all over #3 who looks disgusted about being dirty. One fat lazy sheep always thinks the other ones are stupid for jumping over and simply walks around and gives them all a distasteful glare like, "what idiots"
Anyway the point of this is I create little stories, which I guess gets my brain engaged and I don't think I have ever made it past sheep #15 before I fall asleep.

<------- I like the braces on this guy!
