
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

The Sizzler

So, as many of you know, Washington, and Seattle in particular are known for dreary damp, water-logged weather. We as Washingtonians like to perpetuate this notion, because we don't want more people to move here-- and for generations this misconception held. Washington is the less desirable Oregon territory.

Well while it was 102 degrees in Portland this afternoon- it was about 90 here in Seattle. Walking Col. Duff down the street to Sam's and back was about all I could take of the heat- with about a two hour layover at Sam's house. We don't handle heat well, nor do we handle cold well. It will be warmer greater in the week.

What I find interesting about this is that Hoquiam- a place many of you have never heard of, don't worry, I'll give you a map as this will be the first of many Washington Geography lessons, reached an all time high of 99 degrees.

The name Hoquiam means ''Hungry for wood' which is appropriate as it is located in the middle of the Hoh Rain Forest--famous for the Hall of Mosses. It is also where George Lucas filmed the speeder bike chases from Return of the Jedi. Neighboring town Aberdeen has the highest crime rate in Washington (reletive to density), and is lovigly refered to as the Meth capital of the U.S by the Hoquiam Police force.

Just interesting.

Anyways some cool Washington stuff when I feel like typing more!

The Hoh Rain forest is one of the more cleverly named forests, in my opinion (after an Indian tribe of course). It also is located on the penninsula which is usually much much cooler and wetter than Puget Sound, as the rain is reflected back by the Olympic Mountains.
