
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

Praying to the Porcelain Pantheon

Airports are generally not my favorite place to pass the day, even more so when libations are due to the gods of drinking.

As some of you know JetBlue is my preferred airline of choice when traveling to the East coast--In fact, it is the only airline I fly unless say Emirates airlines was about to front me a cushy bungalow in the front of one of their jets. Just as I am a Ski mountain snob, so too am I an airline snob. I want a TV in the back of my seat damnit- however, mid country flights don't really happen from Seattle on JetBlue- thus I flew Northwest. Not bad, fine fine- that's not the point of the post.

So I had an awesome weekend in Wisconsin at 'lake Cut Ear' in our guttural language, but come Sunday I was paying the price severely. It's like I had won a showcase showdown and then had to sell my new vespa to cover the cost of taxes. That should tell you how much I like Vespas and how much I am addicted to price is right.

okay I can't even finishing this right now i still feel too crappy. You'd think I would have learned not to do this. apparently not.
