
Don't blink. You'll miss it.


Sirius Black is played by Gary Oleman and he looked goooood in the new Harry Potter, more reviews on the movie in a few after some sweet photo-age:

-Very Rogue-ish, and very Tatted up... aka sexy. I am talking about the character, unfortunately not Gary in general; but this does make me want to re-start my acting career so I can meet people like this. I love fantasy worlds, so maybe acting is a good profession- a whole life of Make-believe. I'll think I'll go get my head shots redone and go chat with my local SAG Office. I can't Evan being more famous than I am!!! actually it would be sweet if Evan (That would be my brother) got cool gigs. People on the East Coast look out for a commercial of Ian Black doing something with computers (i think-- Evan is in it), and one about a medical center if you're in Boston.

Besides the fact that I almost named Duffy-- Sirius (not only because he is a black Dog, but Sirius is the dog constellation- that's where the radio service got the name), the character of Sirius Black is a good one... and who knows if he is really dead- because as J.K. Rowling likes to have things never seem as they actually are. Maybe when Voldemort dies all the people he killed will come back to life?

Found this when I was looking for images of Sirius: A spoof, a good one I think on Shawshank Redemption based on the prisonner of Azkaban. I also think the word Azkaban is also just linguistically satisfying.

A Critique on the Order of the Phoenix:

I liked the movie, don't get me wrong, but I assume there was just too much material to spend frames on, and the director, David Yates, had to make some tough choices. I personally think a different Director could have done better. A director, understand- along with producers to some extent, is really the one telling the story- Actors are simply tools with which the story is told.

If you had to choose a director from the previous films I would have chosen Alfonso Cuaron. He did The Prisonner of Azkaban. His graphic style is more arresting and haunting- with attention to detail. Yates did a great job for the most part. He has several very haunting scenes that are nicely put together- the wardrobe choice for Dudley is amazing. Props to him on that decision. The battle scene is also good, he did a nice job creating a sense of confusion. So, visually, it wasn't really an issue.

What I had a problem with was the editing- in the sense that I would like to see all the footage they shot as opposed to what he decided to use. There are so many things in this story that make it good, and while he touched all of them- he didn't delve into any of them. I understand time limits and ranges when trying to create a film, but there were some extensions of scenes that seemed unnecessary and others that weren't talked about at all. They could have had an extra 30 minutes and it wouldn't have been too long.

Yates did find a nice way to tie in Neville's parents explanation without having to film Neville running into Ron, harry and Hermione in ST. Mungo's, but if you didn't know the story, it doesn't really give justice to Neville's character and how important the relationship is between him and Harry.

Same thing with the Thestrals and Gwarp- just not explored at all. I realize they are means of moving a story along- but what makes the Harry Potter stories so fantastic is all the side tangents that really let you believe in his world, and make you personally invested.

They also didn't show much about the Order but focused mostly on the training of the D.A. which is understandable I suppose, as it is a central point of the film, but Yates also didn't explore (in my opinion) the relationship between Harry and Snape enough. You see the Occulmency lessons, but not the extent and he didn't really show very well how angry Snape is about his past and the connection between Snape and Harry's Parents; so when Snape sends Harry away, I didn't buy the level of anguish or hatred. Alan Rickman, by the way, a great actor.

David Yates is also currently in pre-production to direct the Half Blood Prince. I personally hope he says screw you Studio, I need this movie to be good, not under two hours. No one, and I mean no one in that theater last night would have cared if it went on for another hour. I was very disappointed, not that I am not going to go see it with Dad on Friday or Sat. at the Imax, but it's just a bummer.

It is also perhaps the only Harry Potter movie that didn't involve Quiddich- which is stupid because it actually was in the book- and it shows how much the students and the faculty clearly hate Delores Umbridge. Anyways, that's enough for now.

Side Note for predictions: Sam's cousin Andrew had an interesting Prediction: That the whole Weasley family dies except for Ginny. I think that would be hilarious, and awesome.
