
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

Praying to the Porcelain Gods (Part Deux)

The reason this had to be a two part-er is because I feel sick--and dude, this is not just like several day hangover. This post has been several days in the making and I am pretty sure I am not going to be able to do it justice. Parts of it may have to be saved for later, as I am struggling even now to complete it. As I so quoted to Nate's sister on the way to the airport: My body feels like an hardily abused Rag-doll. That was two days ago. Who knows what the hell happened, I only really got intoxicated one night (let's stick to that story for mom and dad). Which, by-the-by, was a time-traveling amazing adventure worthy of H.G. Wells. Some of the stories maybe a bit inappropriate for general consumption, so you'll have to chat with me personally about them, and while awesome as they were I am in no mood to recount them at the moment, maybe later. Let's just say the McGee repeater was in full force. The montage that I have assembled in my head is rather hilarious and I am sporting many fewer injuries than I would have expected, considering-- jet ski with Ridder whiplash not included.

So back to the gods of 'oh I shouldn't have taken that third tequila shot, or the first two, or that cement grinder (which thinking about now makes me vom a little)'--airports suck. Let us first concern the drive back to Minneapolis. I was too 'Out of it' to do anything except follow Nate around, clinging to the one thing that I knew would get me home. I didn't even really say bye to any of those sweet dudes from the Mid-west which made it a most AWESOME weekend (who are my heroes-- more on my secret long lost love of the mid-west later) because I couldn't handle speaking and was not aware for the hell of me was going on--fairly typical.

Driving through Wisconsin was gorgeous as on the way out it was midnight and i was going 90 keeping my eyes peeled for deer in the road, so I didn't get to see any of it really. On the way back it was awesome- driving through colossal rainstorms, which are sexy, barely being able to see Nate's car in front of me. I think it sucked for both of us that we each had to drive a car, because I know we both felt like shit. We stopped and picked up provisions of gross/awesome foodstuffs (my typical Doritos extravaganza hangover thoroughfare). My choices may have been a bad idea; I felt like I was going to throw up about every 1/2 hr. At one point mylrea asked if I needed to stop- which was very sweet of him, and had he not needed to get home to see his fam before he had to leave for the airport I would have jumped for it, but i just sucked it up and prayed to the porcelain gods that I wouldn't have to see them too soon; aka pull over- be sick and then also lose Nate's car on the highway and not be able to find my way back. As many of you know my theme song in high school was 'where the streets have no names' for a reason.

Mylrea's family by the way, if you haven't met them, are sweethearts and I love them. His mom had cooked all this awesome food- and god did I want to eat it, but I physically couldn't. I have never been so sad in all my life as right at that moment as I was staring at those ribs; and you know how I love my meats.

So right after we got to the airport, my flight didn't leave for about 6 hours (I tried to get an earlier one) I tried to find Nate again because I was bored and really could have used a commiserating pillow. After about 15 minutes of that I gave up as the exertion had caused all the alcohol to start effervescing through my pores. Let me tell you- I was a sex goddess at that moment- Jesus.

Turns out I didn't really have to visit the god of regretting that tequila shot in person at all, just much praying to him and his siblings: god of idiocy, goddess of drunken wounds, and god of hilarious but stupid antics, that I wouldn't have to visit them. I sat curled up in one of those uncomfortable airport waiting chairs, clutching my Mu Shoe purse, listening to a CNN Special Investigation's Unit on 'Ambush on the River of Secrets', clutching 'the deathly hallows' and using it as a kind of leave me alone blanket. Being small this is somewhat possible, but by no means comfortable. I did learn, however, that I can fit my entire body is a square that is less than a foot and a half wide.
(That reminds me of a picture Claflin stole from somewhere in high school of me in that trashcan giving someone a rude gesture. If anyone has that pic, or any similar ones of me being stuffed in things- this would be an ideal place to put them- so send them to me)

this reminds me of a time when we were at a Party at Lizzy Reeves house in High school and we were all drunk and the cops came, and somehow I managed to stuff myself into a sliding cupboard where she kept all her games and then I opened my eyes and in the cupboard next to me, also doubled over was kyle! that was hilarious- I'm never letting you live that one down buddy. This space mind you was like 1ft high, and 2 ft long.

so that CNN story took place in Haditha, which reminded me that Graham Hennessey is there, in Haditha and that I have been meaning to send him that package. Anyone know if it is still the same address, and or talked to him recently? It has got to be the Balls of Satan hot there right now.

So I managed to fall asleep for a bit, which lessened my suffering and began intensively reading Harry Potter-- which is awesome by the way--finished it yesterday now I am rereading it since I can't focus on Economics. I don't want it to be over *sigh*

okay and now I am still not over whatever the hell is afflicting me- and I have many other a story to tell, but I simply can't focus right now. Let's just stick with it was an awesome weekend for the moment and more later. so ta ta for now.
