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Space Channel 5

I have so many things to post about, O where to begin. Let's just jump right in with the title: Space Channel 5 was an awesome single player reflex game for Dreamcast; which in my opinion was the best platform of its generation--one of my favorites of all time. Favorite game was San Fransisco Rush 2029. All I remember is it had this really sick trick arena where your could do cool stuff with your cars which had extendable wings and drive on the walls shooting each other.

This game is lost- either in my possession somewhere buried where it should not be, or in someone else hands like many of my dvds from college-- I have Eisenberg's Resevior Dogs, and Peter Arlein still has my Endless Summer. You think people forget about these things... hmm, seems I don't, at least about Endless Summer anyway- but maybe because it is one of my favorite movies. The Zen of Surfing basically. My Dad told me a story once about how he took a girl out on a date to see it when it first came out in 1966. Apparently she didn't think it was as awesome as he did.

Back to Space Chanel 5. The main Character is this hot Japanimation girl dressed in Orange, Ulala. It is basically a memorization game, like 'Simon' where you shoot aliens called "Morolians" and shoot other people with your saving ray whereupon they become your backup dancers. PRETTY SWEEEEEET.

Margaret came over on Friday and we played this and some Tetris 64 with lots of CUBE action. Tetris deserves its own lengthy post (in due time). Basically we used to come over to my house on friday and play lots and lots of video games in highschool. Space Channel five was a classic-- as this is where many of my sweet and ill-forgotten dance moves come from. I am also obessed with her outfits. They change every level- pretty awesome. Such a game for girls- but hey congrats to the person who decided to market it to me- nicely done-- it is the crack of videogames- Kind of like World of Warcraft is heroine to nerds, and that is saying a lot.

So anyway, one of my favorite parts is when you play the second boss. There is some sweet music that is like Electronic-ed up Classical tunes with big Chorus crescendos. Anway the premise is an alien race, the Morolians, arrive to Earth and begin to attack civilians with a special ray gun, forcing all those they shoot to dance uncontrollably. Awesome premise huh?
Ulala is a Reporter attempting to get the story, and beats the aliens by dancing and shooting them; and changing her awesome outfits.

She has the sweetest sandals in lvl 2. I want. Can't find an image of them.

Also towards the end of the game you get to save Michael Jackson by dancing- and then he becomes on your back up singers. Now who doesn't love Mikey?

More other things later. I should be reading economics- but instead I wrote this and now, sleepy time.

I appologize for the Lack of Posts, but as you have seen I have updated my format to be more RAD. And it took awhile to get the right demensions for my picture of the BVI's to fit properly. I took that shot at Loblolly Bay--I think on Anagada (again they get their own post), on of the prettiest stretches of land I have ever seen in my entire life. When you think of prestine beaches and dream like scenes like the one in the end of 'Contact', that's what this place looked like.
