
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

"I've always imagined that paradise will be some kind of Library"

I love libraries. I am sitting in the UW Suzello at the moment, studying/ or not studying Econ. I'm on the third floor in one of the rooms that looks like law libraries in the movies.... the long tables with lamps- old books pushing each other for space on the shelves. It is a HUGE Gothic vaulted room, so when I cough you can hear it at the other end of the place, with these large octagonal iron chandeliers that look like they belong in a French monastery. I feel like I should be surrounded by clouds of incense and Gregorian chanting. Wish I had my camera so I could be like Brad and show you.

Just walking into the Library made me extremely happy- a sense of calm almost. I wanted to rush off and find all kinds of interesting books and look at them and read them- not do what I came here to do which is study fundamentals of Supply and Demand. I demand less studying!

Libraries just make me happy (although I am not known to frequent them often).... It's partly the smell. that is so inviting or relaxing: Aged leather and old wood; stone and soft light. Maybe it is the fact that I am surrounded by a world of knowledge, of history and facts and stories and studies. I don't know, I just think it is cool.

And like Jorges Luis Borges said, "I've always imagined that paradise will be some kind of library.' I couldn't agree more.

You should read his library and tower of babel in ficciones. good stories that man writes.
