
Don't blink. You'll miss it.

A Tribute to Brad

This Post is a tribute to Brad, and the progression of the day works perfectly in his format, so here you go, enjoy (and a side thanks to Ms. Emily Long for suggesting it):

Today started out like many another day--Woke up, didn't want to go class, did some econ reading, watched some TiVo. Dog Whisperer to be exact. It had a Newfie on it who wouldn't eat anything, because of Duff, how could I resist. Reminded me of our other dog Bailey though, who was a golden, who was famous for eating bagels and only bagels. She turned her nose up at kibble. If we weren't eating it, she didn't want it. Dad used to cook her steaks. My rule was she was never allowed to eat more for dinner than I did- although that didn't seem to happen. And God forbid she touch any food that has touched the floor. She was fat- but aren't all Goldens? She used to sit by the damn bread drawer and demand bagels as often as we would give them to her. I KNOW this was an awful habit- but you gotta see it to believe it, the pictures are hilarious-- quite a character that one- with a bark that would make you def in about 2 minutes. At the Lakeside middle school soccer games she used to kinda be like our mascot- I forget if we dressed her up as a lion once or not--but man did she go CRAZY for soccer balls. nothing else, just Soccer balls and bagels.

Back to the day: After Cesar Milan and maybe some Colbert, I did some more Econ reading until it was time to go to work at 'the Shu'. (I'll post about it next week) Emily is in town visiting from NYC and she wanted to give a big old Hi to BS- that's short for Big Sus (Samantha's mom) who owns the Shu. So I met her down there- we commented on how good we all looked; joked about locking the door and popping open the champagne in the back (Susan has like a fully stock bar in the back--if all you drink is white wine), and then wished the BS well on her daily journey. That was at about 1:30 or so. Some people came in, looked at some stuff, didn't buy anything (*cough* communists), Emily played on facebook while I watched and she then had a craving for some Baskin and Robbins. Mom stopped by and chatted, picked up her purse and shoes that I'd buy for her later, and then was off to do some other errands. Emily left for a few to go say hi to someone else who owns another store in Edmonds, Terry's Toy Box (she wasn't around) came back and we commenced our plan: Ice Cream run. Locked the door for like 5 minutes, put a 'Be right Back' sticky on top of Susan's 5 other old 'be right back' stickies, drove the 3 blocks to BR were Emily, being the devil she is, easily convinced me to get a sundae- duh- and we almost bought a cake for later- I mean who doesn't love My Little Pony Ice cream cakes- I sure as hell do.

They weren't huge which is awesome, I was kinda fearful. She had the coco nutty and Reeses peanut butter cup (a good choice), and I had the coco nutty and cookies and cream- I was jonesing for some oreos. We both skipped the whipped cream. I'm just not really a fan of it.... on food.... (the real English whipped stuff is okay on scones), and then drove back to the store while Ems was telling me hilarious adventures from NYC and I regaled her with my weekend in Wisconsin. This was now about 3:00 or so, a couple of Hours left to kill, and no one seemed to want some shoes we debated what to do about dinner. We were so lazy as to type in Dinner, Edmonds, Wa into google. I suggested that yummy thai place down by the water- but Ems just had thaithai so we settled on some cheese munching and crackers--which was a better call anyways.

We still had some time to kill, and I was impressed Emily was just hanging out at the store with me, it's not like there really was anyone coming in or out of the store except that one crazy lady who made me look up directions to some other store (ho) and that one woman trying to find jewelery that wanted the necklace I was wearing, being like "Oh that one I just saw in here last week, oh it would have been perfect for this weeding I'm going to tomorrow"-- Well TOO BAD LADY, I bought it last week, and almost lost it this weekend in a drunken blur.
-Here goes out a big shout out to Crotty or Mylrea or Ridder- but I think it was crotch, who brought that bad boy home for me. It was an expensive piece of equipment, REALLY expensive and it kept falling off. It would have sucked if I had lost it. I always loose my nice jewelry, the stuff i really like, the expensive stuff-- I should know better than to wear it out when I go drinking, but hey- if it looks good, it looks good. Same thing almost happened on the Colorado trip with Ridder and Mylrea in March. That and I am just prone to loosing things.

SO that woman kept coming in and out- and I tried my damnedest to sell her something, but no bites. Anyway! While we were sitting there, screwing around on Facebook- Emily informed me she is a fan of Brad's blog, ever since she clicked on it that one time and requested a public reading- as we had nothing else to do at the moment, I obliged. Nice to feel loved Brad huh? I am glad we are providing a Public service to those of you with jobs. And Ridder- She claimed you haven't updated yours at all, so how is she supposed to stay entertained at work???

I love how Brad takes pictures of what he eats everyday. It totally gets me. The one time I did that i never posted them, but tonight you get to see the feast that was "Christmas in July"- so inspired by the bag of Christmas M&M's she found in my pantry. We have all kinds of things in there, it's hilarious to go check it out. Whenever Emily and Sam come over they always find the weirdest things to eat in there- and this is even after we most recently re did it. Before, oh GOD stuff from the 70's still lurked- maybe a few items still do.

This time was no exception. She pulled out some odd cookie/cracker that just looked stale.

After we were done at the store we stopped at our local neighborhood family grocer (that's what they call themselves) Petosa's to pick up some cheese. Emily eyed the premade pasta salads but was nonplussed by the results once she tasted them. We picked out some Gouda (which turned out to suck and taste like feet), some spreadable deliciousness, and some bread to accompany the awesome cheese I had bought from Strom, the Cheesemonger downtown. I picked up some veggies too, but when we got home and I opened the carrots there was like this gross liquid coating them. It was gross- so Off they went into the trash.

We settled down for some snacking cheese din with hummus and bread and olive oils and broccoli and turned on the TiVo. Emily wanted some Gilmore girls action, which I veto-ed, where upon she claimed my dad, and I quote "is one of the smartest men I know and he likes Gilmore girls..." like that would persuade me. She then tried to get me to watch that new flavor of love show with the ugly rocker, brett michaels or something--My conclusion was it was a bunch of busty pretty-looking dumbasses rolling around in the mud. The ultimate low in any kind of television- even if you are a guy, come on, at some point how stupid and annoy these chicks are has to matter. That was so bad, I gave in to the Gilmore's as long as she went downstairs to find the Dvds. Watched a couple of those- threw some wheat thins to the Duff, then I had to send her home so I could get some work done and go to GMAT Class. (That's some Gilmore action on the TV in the back)

Didn't really get done what I needed to, do I ever? I am really behind in my GMAT stuff, especially the math part. Oh well, this weekend I guess? and I just spent the last hour dicking around on the computer, buying and downloading some Old Crow Medicine Show and some Yonder Mountain String Band, and checking out which I haven't done in a while. Chicks often look at these pretty celebrities are get depressed. DUDE, I am the other way, looking at these celebrities makes me feel better about myself. Not only are they messed up, but they really aren't that hot-- (aside from those coke induced Cheek bones that ever girl dreams of, okay Lindsay still kinda is), but those peeps deserve their own post as well. Crazy Hos:

That's Lindsay scratching her crack, and her fairly decent mugshot for her brand new DUI/ Coke possession charge. "Hey Jimmy, I've got a great idea. I'm a millionaire. I'm going to get wasted out of my gourde in W. Hollywood, hop in my car, snort some lines off my steering wheel while I'm doing 70 on the 110 to Santa Monica, Wanna come?"

Those are some amazing cheekbones tho. wowza!

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Praying to the Porcelain Gods (Part Deux)

The reason this had to be a two part-er is because I feel sick--and dude, this is not just like several day hangover. This post has been several days in the making and I am pretty sure I am not going to be able to do it justice. Parts of it may have to be saved for later, as I am struggling even now to complete it. As I so quoted to Nate's sister on the way to the airport: My body feels like an hardily abused Rag-doll. That was two days ago. Who knows what the hell happened, I only really got intoxicated one night (let's stick to that story for mom and dad). Which, by-the-by, was a time-traveling amazing adventure worthy of H.G. Wells. Some of the stories maybe a bit inappropriate for general consumption, so you'll have to chat with me personally about them, and while awesome as they were I am in no mood to recount them at the moment, maybe later. Let's just say the McGee repeater was in full force. The montage that I have assembled in my head is rather hilarious and I am sporting many fewer injuries than I would have expected, considering-- jet ski with Ridder whiplash not included.

So back to the gods of 'oh I shouldn't have taken that third tequila shot, or the first two, or that cement grinder (which thinking about now makes me vom a little)'--airports suck. Let us first concern the drive back to Minneapolis. I was too 'Out of it' to do anything except follow Nate around, clinging to the one thing that I knew would get me home. I didn't even really say bye to any of those sweet dudes from the Mid-west which made it a most AWESOME weekend (who are my heroes-- more on my secret long lost love of the mid-west later) because I couldn't handle speaking and was not aware for the hell of me was going on--fairly typical.

Driving through Wisconsin was gorgeous as on the way out it was midnight and i was going 90 keeping my eyes peeled for deer in the road, so I didn't get to see any of it really. On the way back it was awesome- driving through colossal rainstorms, which are sexy, barely being able to see Nate's car in front of me. I think it sucked for both of us that we each had to drive a car, because I know we both felt like shit. We stopped and picked up provisions of gross/awesome foodstuffs (my typical Doritos extravaganza hangover thoroughfare). My choices may have been a bad idea; I felt like I was going to throw up about every 1/2 hr. At one point mylrea asked if I needed to stop- which was very sweet of him, and had he not needed to get home to see his fam before he had to leave for the airport I would have jumped for it, but i just sucked it up and prayed to the porcelain gods that I wouldn't have to see them too soon; aka pull over- be sick and then also lose Nate's car on the highway and not be able to find my way back. As many of you know my theme song in high school was 'where the streets have no names' for a reason.

Mylrea's family by the way, if you haven't met them, are sweethearts and I love them. His mom had cooked all this awesome food- and god did I want to eat it, but I physically couldn't. I have never been so sad in all my life as right at that moment as I was staring at those ribs; and you know how I love my meats.

So right after we got to the airport, my flight didn't leave for about 6 hours (I tried to get an earlier one) I tried to find Nate again because I was bored and really could have used a commiserating pillow. After about 15 minutes of that I gave up as the exertion had caused all the alcohol to start effervescing through my pores. Let me tell you- I was a sex goddess at that moment- Jesus.

Turns out I didn't really have to visit the god of regretting that tequila shot in person at all, just much praying to him and his siblings: god of idiocy, goddess of drunken wounds, and god of hilarious but stupid antics, that I wouldn't have to visit them. I sat curled up in one of those uncomfortable airport waiting chairs, clutching my Mu Shoe purse, listening to a CNN Special Investigation's Unit on 'Ambush on the River of Secrets', clutching 'the deathly hallows' and using it as a kind of leave me alone blanket. Being small this is somewhat possible, but by no means comfortable. I did learn, however, that I can fit my entire body is a square that is less than a foot and a half wide.
(That reminds me of a picture Claflin stole from somewhere in high school of me in that trashcan giving someone a rude gesture. If anyone has that pic, or any similar ones of me being stuffed in things- this would be an ideal place to put them- so send them to me)

this reminds me of a time when we were at a Party at Lizzy Reeves house in High school and we were all drunk and the cops came, and somehow I managed to stuff myself into a sliding cupboard where she kept all her games and then I opened my eyes and in the cupboard next to me, also doubled over was kyle! that was hilarious- I'm never letting you live that one down buddy. This space mind you was like 1ft high, and 2 ft long.

so that CNN story took place in Haditha, which reminded me that Graham Hennessey is there, in Haditha and that I have been meaning to send him that package. Anyone know if it is still the same address, and or talked to him recently? It has got to be the Balls of Satan hot there right now.

So I managed to fall asleep for a bit, which lessened my suffering and began intensively reading Harry Potter-- which is awesome by the way--finished it yesterday now I am rereading it since I can't focus on Economics. I don't want it to be over *sigh*

okay and now I am still not over whatever the hell is afflicting me- and I have many other a story to tell, but I simply can't focus right now. Let's just stick with it was an awesome weekend for the moment and more later. so ta ta for now.
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Praying to the Porcelain Pantheon

Airports are generally not my favorite place to pass the day, even more so when libations are due to the gods of drinking.

As some of you know JetBlue is my preferred airline of choice when traveling to the East coast--In fact, it is the only airline I fly unless say Emirates airlines was about to front me a cushy bungalow in the front of one of their jets. Just as I am a Ski mountain snob, so too am I an airline snob. I want a TV in the back of my seat damnit- however, mid country flights don't really happen from Seattle on JetBlue- thus I flew Northwest. Not bad, fine fine- that's not the point of the post.

So I had an awesome weekend in Wisconsin at 'lake Cut Ear' in our guttural language, but come Sunday I was paying the price severely. It's like I had won a showcase showdown and then had to sell my new vespa to cover the cost of taxes. That should tell you how much I like Vespas and how much I am addicted to price is right.

okay I can't even finishing this right now i still feel too crappy. You'd think I would have learned not to do this. apparently not.
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Hermione DIES!!!


or maybe I'm not.
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"I've always imagined that paradise will be some kind of Library"

I love libraries. I am sitting in the UW Suzello at the moment, studying/ or not studying Econ. I'm on the third floor in one of the rooms that looks like law libraries in the movies.... the long tables with lamps- old books pushing each other for space on the shelves. It is a HUGE Gothic vaulted room, so when I cough you can hear it at the other end of the place, with these large octagonal iron chandeliers that look like they belong in a French monastery. I feel like I should be surrounded by clouds of incense and Gregorian chanting. Wish I had my camera so I could be like Brad and show you.

Just walking into the Library made me extremely happy- a sense of calm almost. I wanted to rush off and find all kinds of interesting books and look at them and read them- not do what I came here to do which is study fundamentals of Supply and Demand. I demand less studying!

Libraries just make me happy (although I am not known to frequent them often).... It's partly the smell. that is so inviting or relaxing: Aged leather and old wood; stone and soft light. Maybe it is the fact that I am surrounded by a world of knowledge, of history and facts and stories and studies. I don't know, I just think it is cool.

And like Jorges Luis Borges said, "I've always imagined that paradise will be some kind of library.' I couldn't agree more.

You should read his library and tower of babel in ficciones. good stories that man writes.
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

And when dogs dream- do they dream of herding said sheep? Your call is as good as mine.

I asked my dad (the ultimate source on all things medical- and most things worldly) the other day about whether or not dogs could differentiate their dreams from reality. This was prompted by Duffy yipping his face off in his sleep and his wittle feeties twitching like he was chasing tennis balls or ducks. He claimed that their sleep cycles are much like ours, which makes sense, and they get that same groggy 'why am I awake' feeling when they wake up and realize it wasn't real. But sometimes man, I wake up and I can't tell if it was a dream or not later in the day. Like I will have dreamed (dreamt is not a word surprisingly) that I had argued with someone and then still bear the resentment later in the day.

Get Fuzzy by the way is an awesome Comic. Check it out.

I talk of sleep for many reasons, now that I think about it. First off, I like it. One of my favorite past-times if it didn't consume so many hours in the day. Also I once took a Enneagram test awhile ago to try and figure out what kind of personality I had so I could determine possible future occupations. What Color is Your Parachute suggested I do this, since I have many and varied interests- The results I find are pretty darn accurate in correspondence with my personality- but what's funny is the the kicker-- the very last thing it says:

Enneagram Test Results (with my comments)

Enneagram Type: 9w8

Combining an easy going nature with a steady strength 9w8s can be highly productive if they stay focused. (The key is IF) Lust and comfort can lead them offtrack into aimlessness (welcome to my life). Bad temper and stubbornness are issues. (Once again- nailed it)

Mean Type: 8w9 (people don't usually have them so close together I think)

You are very calm and value relationships over career ambitions. When you have strong feelings for someone you show them. You prefer to blend into most environments. You are an extrovert and a non-conformist (agreed)....(and here is the kicker). YOU LIKE TO SLEEP. (in bold letters mind you)

I just thought it was hilarious that this test would pick up on that notion.

Back to electric sheep

The past week or so I haven't been able to sleep very well at night- though afternoons are no prob whatsoever. Last night again I was awake until 4 am- not by choice, and Thursday of last week I didn't really sleep at all. Maybe it is stress from all these Economics tests I have been having , or excitement- but who gets excited about tests. I am sure the Red Bulls and coffee don't add to it, no.

I try to read boring books (my econ books) and last night I re re-read most of the 'half blood prince' again (I reread it in april) because the new one is coming out this weekend. eventually I gave up and tried this little trick I invented.

It was developed around Dec/Jan 07 when I was staying with Emily in New York looking for a job. Emily had to go to bed early so she could function, in the morning and i was often awake, so I tried to think of ways to put myself to sleep. I had never counted sheep before, but I started.

I don't just count them though. I create a little cartoon in my head similar to the Pixar shorts, where the sheepies look like those sheep from those Serta commercials, only cartoon-ified. Each one has a number on its side and I give them personalities. The goal is that all the sheep must get from one side of the white picket fence to the other. There is a large mud puddle on the other side. Usually Sheep #1 is a wuss and won't go first so #3 timidly approaches while 2 goes and launches himself over the fence splashing in the mud puddle and getting mud all over #3 who looks disgusted about being dirty. One fat lazy sheep always thinks the other ones are stupid for jumping over and simply walks around and gives them all a distasteful glare like, "what idiots"
Anyway the point of this is I create little stories, which I guess gets my brain engaged and I don't think I have ever made it past sheep #15 before I fall asleep.

<------- I like the braces on this guy!

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As Promised: The Nürburgring

Built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel mountains. 13 miles and up to 143 turns it is considered the most demanding racing circut in the world. It is still heavily used as a manufacture's test track, but on many evenings and weekends it is open to the public! Anyone can take their car, or in our case Rental to the track and drive at rediculous speeds. Just try not to flip.

They suggest you go for a ride with a professional first before you take your own car out ther as there are nasty surpises (the best known of which is the Adenaur-Forst, famous for 'failing to turn left' incidents'). If you choose not to go slow your first couple of laps. You'll probably be overtaken, so keep an eye on mirrors and stay right. If you fail to move and the car re-ends you, legally, its your fault. Watch out for British drivers who don't know the difference.

Almost every twist in the track was designed to test and challenge the best of the best and the true impact of the circuit can only be felt by riding it. Down gradients of one in nine and up one in six hills cars would wind their way along a tortuous road that encompassed no fewer than four villages, while high on the hill, overlooking the entire circuit lay the ruins of Schloss Nürburg, a twelfth-century fortress. It was a Grand Prix and Formula-1 race track until it was deemed too unsafe at high speeds

Jaguar, Audi and BMW test their cars on the 'ring'.The Nürburgring is ideal for simulating a wide variety of driving conditions, and enables accurate assessment of vehicle behavior lap after lap. The various dips and crests allow analysis of a car's performance under high levels of suspension compression, and the requirement to brake from high speeds gives the braking components a thorough work-out. All materials are subjected to much higher loads than in typical road use, providing a valuable means of testing performance levels and wear rates in extreme situations or under constant load in real-world conditions. Further aspects of study that can be conducted in safety on the track include stability control, vibration and wind noise, cooling and steering response.

Check out this YouTube clip of the Ford Transit doing it. Pretty ill. When I head to Germany for Oktoberfest, maybe Septeber '08 (any takers- I have been wanting to go for a long time!) I am hitting up the ring- i like going fast.

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Zie Germans are Comink

This post is prompted by a sighting this weekend of banana yellow Lamborghini driving through downtown Edmonds--- This episode however will be dedicated to the delightful delicacy that is German Engineering.

Zie Germans love efficiency, zie love nature, luxury, conquering ze french, machines, apffelkorn, and chocolate. (apffelkorn gets its own post) We focus this post on ze machines.

It is plain to see the genius of German green engineering and design when one looks at the expensive Liebherr WS 14300 three-temperature zone wine storage cabinet with energy efficient LED lighting that is cool to the touch and will not overheat bottles, and contains charcoal filters to ensure high air quality free of dust, dirt and smells. When Germans show such ingenuity safeguarding the wines they import for France, it is not surprising they show so much more love for their cars.

The newest generation of Audi owners are in for a special treat:i
1) Driving an Audi Makes you Breathe Easier: Part of the available dual-zone climate control, air quality sensors constantly monitor pollutants outside your car. If it senses limits are being exceeded, the system automatically begins to recycle air- keeping those harmful pollutants as far away from you as possible.

2)As strongly as You Recognize Your Audi, It Returns the Compliment Right Back:
the Advanced Key even makes holding an actual key in your hand moot, since once you get within five feet of your Audi, it's identified on your person via proximity sensors. Essentially, you just pull the door handle or trunk latch and the system unlocks automatically. It is specifically designed to match your body signature.

3)Your Audi keeps itself cool:
Light-sensitive elements under your sunroof produce enough electricity on their own to run the ventilation inside your Audi. Even if the ignition is off, these solar elements supply the interior with a continuous flow of fresh air that's purified as it passes thought the dust and pollen filter, cutting temperature levels inside the vehicle by as much as 50 percent.

4)That Paint Color that looks so liquid like, really is: Audi Paints are based on water, which reduces harmful compounds that usually contaminate air quality, by 85%.

5)The Recycling Engine:
exhaust gas recirculation actually lowers combustion temperatures diminishing nitrogen oxides inside the engine, thereby reducing those outside as well. It is effective because nitrogen oxides tend to rise disproportionately with increased combustion temperature.

6)Their leather is infused with rhubarb: Now we know what all the people who grow rhubarb in Minnesota do with their extras, send them to Audi manufactures so they can smear the good stuff all over their leather seats. Using Rhubarb creates no environmental wastes, unlike other chemicals used to treat leather. They also use tree bark. Next modification: the edible car?

7)12 year warranty on rust. Well I hope so for what you are paying, but still, interesting

8)Your Audi speaks to you: The voice recognition-speech system is so advanced that is can understand accents and dialects and can identify words spoken so quickly, they run together. Be careful what you say, it may be able to understand you too well. Think Kit from Night rider.

9)Biological Nano Technology?: Not yet, but the Audi can repair itself from minor collisions. So don't worry about the 5 mph love taps when you're parking at Anna's Taqueria.

10)Like Dogs, all Audis go to heaven: 95% of all scrap used in production is recycled, and when an Audi reaches the end of its life, it is humanely disassembled and reused to make more Audis. Reincarnation never seemed so darn rational.

i: some information acquired from Audi Magazine 2/07

Next Post: The Nürburgring

Driving at its SEXIEST
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The 'Burbs

There were some things I forgot to add about my Harry Potter experience.

So being the nerd that I am, I had to get tickets for the opening night. I did that through the fabulous Fandango. No longer does the day exist where you must wait in line for tickets at your favorite theater only to realize they are sold out, unless of course you want to see something at the IMAX downtown, where you still have to wait in-line like a Neanderthal. (I wonder if they Geico guys would object to that usage.)

So we printed our tickets for the Alderwood 16, which I guess is a year old, but I consider it brand new because I have never been there. Being Alderwood, I wasn't exactly expecting much. As I have previously stated in earlier posts, Alderwood borders Lynnwood--a town that is a running joke in Western Washington-- 80's hair and meth labs abound. It is the Seattle equivalent of how I think New Yorkers view Stanton Island or the Bronx.

We hopped in the Volvo- which are ubiquitous in this area, and off we went. As a tangent, Volvo's have a distinct smell that remind me of childhood soccer games. It's like clean leather and wood. It is very unique to Volvo- no matter who owns them. The exception to that rule is if someone who drivesthe car plays lacrosse or hockey- those smells will ruin anything they come in contact with.
This particular car was something in the range of 10 years old- about midlife for a Volvo. Maybe the Scandinavians place scent injectors into the air filtration system, that is the only way a car that is 10 years old can retain its distinct odor.

We drove out of Edmonds north onto Hwy 99/Aurora--which is another Seattle oddity that deserves it's own post. Basically it was the main throughfare before freeways were installed. I believe it stretches all the way from Tacoma up to Bellingham. Some sections of it are clustered with Motels that are pay by the hour, Adult video shops and Tattoo parlors, Casinos and littered at night with prostitutes. Other areas of it are just fine. The idea is it is shabby.

As usual I wasn't really paying attention to how we were going because I wasn't driving, which leads to my inability to navigate cities, but in hindsight I would like to know at what entrance to Alderwood the theater is located on.

The reason we went to Alderwood and not the closer Montlake 9 is because Samantha, in typical Samantha fashion, refuses to go anywhere else. This time, however, I came to see why.

I wasn't expecting much, so I was breathless when we first pulled up. We parked next to another (one of many) Volvos and walked over. Honestly I was speechless. It looked like we walked into the future. I was waiting to see if a flying car would come around the corner. I really have never seen anything like it.
I don't think I have ever been as impressed by the simple stunning architecture of a Movie theater before. I say give the arcitect a bonus. It probably also stems from the fact that I had low expectations and so was visibly wowed as we were walking up to the Huge Glass front silhoutted by white fiberglass vault.

It was very sterile, but not in the creepy jail cell way, but in a pleasant ville kind of way. It exuded happiness. I think my exact words were, "WOW. God I love the Suburbs". This thing was MASSIVE, and there was really nothing else around besides parked cars, so it totally dominated the landscape. It is just so random and amusing and really out of place. This is what suburbs all across America are like. It wasn't trashy at all, in fact, it was quite nice- I juts had never been introduced to such a concept before it stunned me. It was like 90 degrees at midnight too, that threw me off.

Being that this theater was HUGE, showing Potter at 12:00, 12:01, 12:02, 12:03, 12:04, 12:05, there were hundreds upon hundreds of people (mostly teenagers) milling about, chatting. This place even has restaurant food in it you can take into the theater- smoothies, pizza, etc. and it looked decent too.

Sam tried to get some awesome shots of all the odd people decked out with her picture phone- I was momentarily hating myself I didn't bring my camera so I could document the weirdness, and I remembered I should have just found something from Lakeside and worn it, as those are the colors of Gryfindor and be a total nerd and make Sam feel real awkward-- that would have been priceless. I was all prump to go upto the uber nerds and be like, "hey my friend over there really wants a picture with you- you guys are SOOOOO awesome (use my awesome nerdy voice)" but she couldn't even handle the fact that I was going to do this and stormed off into the theater. There were people all decked out in robes, with those potter stinks buttons, and one weird chick- for no apparent reason wearing a polka dot swimsuit top- obvi it was hot out, but come on.

We couldn't find three seats all together and of course, Sam and Joanna don't like talking to strangers so I was like "Hey, you saving those" to all the wierdos, where upon one chick tried to talk to me for a while about how "you need to get here early, i was here early last....." her voice faded away as I left her hangin'. So we sat in like the second row, where Sam is blind because she can't see normally, Joanna always has to pee, and I am short so I have to slouch REAL far down to see anything-- Neck cramp central. Joanna had to pee twice. once in the middle of the big fight scene. that was funny.

Did i forget to mention I hate crowds- because they are stupid and annoying- this applies here. The girls behind us were giggling to each other. When I am obnoxious it is ok, when other people are, unun. So we had some awesome quips back and forth how Harry looked like a football player cause he had no neck and was jacked, and how wolves are sexy.

so that was that, and on the way home we had to stop at WallGreens to pick up something for Sammer and it's like 2:30 on aurora and this dude in shorts just slowly walking across the street. Well the entrance to Wallgreens was in the path of this man, and hell no we weren't driving past him- he's probably methed out of his mind, so we pulled a huge illeagle U-y and went around the other side. Whew, lots o excitement.
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Sirius Black is played by Gary Oleman and he looked goooood in the new Harry Potter, more reviews on the movie in a few after some sweet photo-age:

-Very Rogue-ish, and very Tatted up... aka sexy. I am talking about the character, unfortunately not Gary in general; but this does make me want to re-start my acting career so I can meet people like this. I love fantasy worlds, so maybe acting is a good profession- a whole life of Make-believe. I'll think I'll go get my head shots redone and go chat with my local SAG Office. I can't Evan being more famous than I am!!! actually it would be sweet if Evan (That would be my brother) got cool gigs. People on the East Coast look out for a commercial of Ian Black doing something with computers (i think-- Evan is in it), and one about a medical center if you're in Boston.

Besides the fact that I almost named Duffy-- Sirius (not only because he is a black Dog, but Sirius is the dog constellation- that's where the radio service got the name), the character of Sirius Black is a good one... and who knows if he is really dead- because as J.K. Rowling likes to have things never seem as they actually are. Maybe when Voldemort dies all the people he killed will come back to life?

Found this when I was looking for images of Sirius: A spoof, a good one I think on Shawshank Redemption based on the prisonner of Azkaban. I also think the word Azkaban is also just linguistically satisfying.

A Critique on the Order of the Phoenix:

I liked the movie, don't get me wrong, but I assume there was just too much material to spend frames on, and the director, David Yates, had to make some tough choices. I personally think a different Director could have done better. A director, understand- along with producers to some extent, is really the one telling the story- Actors are simply tools with which the story is told.

If you had to choose a director from the previous films I would have chosen Alfonso Cuaron. He did The Prisonner of Azkaban. His graphic style is more arresting and haunting- with attention to detail. Yates did a great job for the most part. He has several very haunting scenes that are nicely put together- the wardrobe choice for Dudley is amazing. Props to him on that decision. The battle scene is also good, he did a nice job creating a sense of confusion. So, visually, it wasn't really an issue.

What I had a problem with was the editing- in the sense that I would like to see all the footage they shot as opposed to what he decided to use. There are so many things in this story that make it good, and while he touched all of them- he didn't delve into any of them. I understand time limits and ranges when trying to create a film, but there were some extensions of scenes that seemed unnecessary and others that weren't talked about at all. They could have had an extra 30 minutes and it wouldn't have been too long.

Yates did find a nice way to tie in Neville's parents explanation without having to film Neville running into Ron, harry and Hermione in ST. Mungo's, but if you didn't know the story, it doesn't really give justice to Neville's character and how important the relationship is between him and Harry.

Same thing with the Thestrals and Gwarp- just not explored at all. I realize they are means of moving a story along- but what makes the Harry Potter stories so fantastic is all the side tangents that really let you believe in his world, and make you personally invested.

They also didn't show much about the Order but focused mostly on the training of the D.A. which is understandable I suppose, as it is a central point of the film, but Yates also didn't explore (in my opinion) the relationship between Harry and Snape enough. You see the Occulmency lessons, but not the extent and he didn't really show very well how angry Snape is about his past and the connection between Snape and Harry's Parents; so when Snape sends Harry away, I didn't buy the level of anguish or hatred. Alan Rickman, by the way, a great actor.

David Yates is also currently in pre-production to direct the Half Blood Prince. I personally hope he says screw you Studio, I need this movie to be good, not under two hours. No one, and I mean no one in that theater last night would have cared if it went on for another hour. I was very disappointed, not that I am not going to go see it with Dad on Friday or Sat. at the Imax, but it's just a bummer.

It is also perhaps the only Harry Potter movie that didn't involve Quiddich- which is stupid because it actually was in the book- and it shows how much the students and the faculty clearly hate Delores Umbridge. Anyways, that's enough for now.

Side Note for predictions: Sam's cousin Andrew had an interesting Prediction: That the whole Weasley family dies except for Ginny. I think that would be hilarious, and awesome.
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The Sizzler

So, as many of you know, Washington, and Seattle in particular are known for dreary damp, water-logged weather. We as Washingtonians like to perpetuate this notion, because we don't want more people to move here-- and for generations this misconception held. Washington is the less desirable Oregon territory.

Well while it was 102 degrees in Portland this afternoon- it was about 90 here in Seattle. Walking Col. Duff down the street to Sam's and back was about all I could take of the heat- with about a two hour layover at Sam's house. We don't handle heat well, nor do we handle cold well. It will be warmer greater in the week.

What I find interesting about this is that Hoquiam- a place many of you have never heard of, don't worry, I'll give you a map as this will be the first of many Washington Geography lessons, reached an all time high of 99 degrees.

The name Hoquiam means ''Hungry for wood' which is appropriate as it is located in the middle of the Hoh Rain Forest--famous for the Hall of Mosses. It is also where George Lucas filmed the speeder bike chases from Return of the Jedi. Neighboring town Aberdeen has the highest crime rate in Washington (reletive to density), and is lovigly refered to as the Meth capital of the U.S by the Hoquiam Police force.

Just interesting.

Anyways some cool Washington stuff when I feel like typing more!

The Hoh Rain forest is one of the more cleverly named forests, in my opinion (after an Indian tribe of course). It also is located on the penninsula which is usually much much cooler and wetter than Puget Sound, as the rain is reflected back by the Olympic Mountains.
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The Ridder Factor

Alex added his own blog on things that are awesome, I shall put a link down below on my page so you can check out his insights. We have gained a comrade, comrade.
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So this is hilarious.

We all know cats harbor that inner urge for world domination. My Dog looks like Don king, but nothing beats these kittehs, check it out. If I had one, bet I would wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat

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The Day Approaches

As the day approaches for the new Harry Potter Flick, I am becoming obscenely obsessed; as if I wasn't already-- I like to think I have magical powers. Anyway, I am seeing the movie at 12:05 tomorrow night in glorious Alderwood- about 20 skanky miles north of downtown Seattle. I say skanky, because well, Alderwood used to be real seedy- kind of like Lynnwood still is, and how I will always, Always, ALWAYS view Tacoma. They didn't come up with the phrase, "Aroma of Tacoma" because of the tulips fields. (Tulips actually don't smell. Well, they smell like plant matter, but not of any fantastic olfactory scent).

ANYWAY. I thought I would post a couple of my favorite Harry related wear from Cafe press that I am finding right now as I type this when I really, really, really should be studying for Econ classes.

The Snape one says, in case you can't read it: "Snape... Because Ambiguity is SEXY". Once again Alan Rickman needs his own post, especially since I saw him in London, not only in a play, but brushing past me on the street. *swoon*

Then there is the Hermione is Hot, but I couldn't get it to load, but that one would have been for Dae ho. The D.A one i just like the colors.
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Sorry Fans!!!

I am very very sorry to my faithful fans, who when bored at their mundane desk oriented jobs load my site only to find no new content! This is a tragedy, as Mel Brooks puts it so well: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."- I love that man.

This small tragedy will be rectified tonight in a slough of posts for your entertainment. However- I am not going to dwell on the missed Passed week, except to say it was awesome. Unsuccessful Salmon fishing, exploding things, relaxing, Carcasonne, extensive boating and therefore burning of the flesh.

But more later. Again I truly appologize- I expect there may be an email appology on the way.

Mea culpa i miei amici, mea culpa. Stercus accidit.
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Space Channel 5

I have so many things to post about, O where to begin. Let's just jump right in with the title: Space Channel 5 was an awesome single player reflex game for Dreamcast; which in my opinion was the best platform of its generation--one of my favorites of all time. Favorite game was San Fransisco Rush 2029. All I remember is it had this really sick trick arena where your could do cool stuff with your cars which had extendable wings and drive on the walls shooting each other.

This game is lost- either in my possession somewhere buried where it should not be, or in someone else hands like many of my dvds from college-- I have Eisenberg's Resevior Dogs, and Peter Arlein still has my Endless Summer. You think people forget about these things... hmm, seems I don't, at least about Endless Summer anyway- but maybe because it is one of my favorite movies. The Zen of Surfing basically. My Dad told me a story once about how he took a girl out on a date to see it when it first came out in 1966. Apparently she didn't think it was as awesome as he did.

Back to Space Chanel 5. The main Character is this hot Japanimation girl dressed in Orange, Ulala. It is basically a memorization game, like 'Simon' where you shoot aliens called "Morolians" and shoot other people with your saving ray whereupon they become your backup dancers. PRETTY SWEEEEEET.

Margaret came over on Friday and we played this and some Tetris 64 with lots of CUBE action. Tetris deserves its own lengthy post (in due time). Basically we used to come over to my house on friday and play lots and lots of video games in highschool. Space Channel five was a classic-- as this is where many of my sweet and ill-forgotten dance moves come from. I am also obessed with her outfits. They change every level- pretty awesome. Such a game for girls- but hey congrats to the person who decided to market it to me- nicely done-- it is the crack of videogames- Kind of like World of Warcraft is heroine to nerds, and that is saying a lot.

So anyway, one of my favorite parts is when you play the second boss. There is some sweet music that is like Electronic-ed up Classical tunes with big Chorus crescendos. Anway the premise is an alien race, the Morolians, arrive to Earth and begin to attack civilians with a special ray gun, forcing all those they shoot to dance uncontrollably. Awesome premise huh?
Ulala is a Reporter attempting to get the story, and beats the aliens by dancing and shooting them; and changing her awesome outfits.

She has the sweetest sandals in lvl 2. I want. Can't find an image of them.

Also towards the end of the game you get to save Michael Jackson by dancing- and then he becomes on your back up singers. Now who doesn't love Mikey?

More other things later. I should be reading economics- but instead I wrote this and now, sleepy time.

I appologize for the Lack of Posts, but as you have seen I have updated my format to be more RAD. And it took awhile to get the right demensions for my picture of the BVI's to fit properly. I took that shot at Loblolly Bay--I think on Anagada (again they get their own post), on of the prettiest stretches of land I have ever seen in my entire life. When you think of prestine beaches and dream like scenes like the one in the end of 'Contact', that's what this place looked like.
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